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Monday, March 28, 2011

Black Bean Chili

by farmgirl
I am the queen at the out-of-season recipes. I apologize for that. But I’ve never been one to conform to the rules. In fact, I’m drinking a cup of strong black coffee right now and it’s 8:30 at night. I was also listening to Barry Manilow’s Copa Cabana at work this morning. I like to live dangerously.
I received the original recipe for black bean chili from my friend (of Penzey’s fame!) and I modified it slightly to suit my tastes. It’s one of those recipes that is so insanely simple, yet so crazy-good. I’ve had multiple people ask me for the recipe just after smelling this soup and even more after they’ve tasted it. When this happens, I usually make a weird “Ennhhh…” face, then I say, “Umm…” and then I make a lame attempt at changing the subject, “Did you know that Alfred Hitchcock appeared in every one of his films?”
It’s not that it’s top-secret recipe with an exotic secret ingredient. It’s not a special family recipe. (I’ve already shown that I have no problem telling those to the world.)
It’s just that it’s so dang easy! Seriously, it’s opening a bunch of cans, chopping onions and carrots and dumping everything into a pot. I have no clue why it turns out so tasty. It must be like one of those fancy chemistry reactions, where sodium and oxygen combine to make sodium oxide…or something like that. I didn’t pay a lot of attention in chemistry. Anyways, here ya go (And yes the cat jumped into the picture again. I swear, we do not usually allow the cats anywhere near the dining room table, but they seem to have this sixth sense of when I have a camera in my hand and am not paying attention to them. Plus, they have that ingrained need to know exactly what I’m doing.):

Black Bean Chili
  • 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained (or not. I’ve never had a problem just draining ‘em a bit and dumping them in. But then again, I’m a rule breaker)
  • 1 can petite diced tomatos
  • 1 can diced tomatos with green chiles
  • 1 can tomato soup
  • 1 can Mexicorn (How great of a name is “Mexicorn”?? Ya gotta love the guy who came up with that!)
  • 1 cup diced carrots
  • 1 small onion, diced
Throw everything in a pot and simmer for about an hour.

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