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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Magic Chocolate Cake


My mum is turning 45 today and I wish that I could be there to celebrate her. It´s days like this when your whole family are coming together that you want to be at home.I wish you the best birthday you can have without your favourite doughter there ;)Happy Birthday Mum....Enjoy the cake!!


4 large Eggs
150g Caster Sugar
150g Plain Flour
2Tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder

Cream Filling:

4dl Double Cream
100g melted milk chocolate
230g Nougat sauce or melted Nutella
4 Gelatin Sheets melted

Ganache Cream:

2dl Double Cream
200g milk chocolate

Chocolate Collar:
100g dark chocolate

3-4 Tbsp milk


1.First crack your eggs into a large bowl, whisk them for a few seconds just lightly.
Add your caster sugar only and whisk until your mixture thickens and turns almost white in colour.
2.This will take 5-10 minutes using an electric whisk,
Do not try to cut corners and just give it a whisk for a minute or two!
3.Take a sieve and gently add your flour,cocoa powder and baking powder.
Gently fold flour into your mixture until you can see it has all mixed together nicely.
4.Pour your sponge cake mixture into a greased round tin (23cm).
Place in a pre-heated oven at 180C for approx 20-30 minutes (depending on your oven).
Do not open your oven door until you are checking it towards to end of being cooked.
5.Once cooked leave in its tin to cool a little.Take a large bread knife and gently cut your cake in half.
-Cream Filling:
1.Soak 4 sheets of leaf gelatin in cold water (for about 5 minutes).
2.Beat heavy cream until medium firm,add Nougat sauce or melted Nutella and melted chocolate.
3.Take the gelatin out of the cold water and stir into 2 Tbsp hot water.
Melt gelatin in water and Pour Gently into a whipt cream.Whip cream until stiff peaks form.
4.Lay a half spong cake into the bottom of a 23cm springform pan.Brush with milk and Pour the half of Whipped Cream filling
on the layer of sponge cake.Make layers from cake and Whipped cream filling and refrigerate for a 25-30 minuts.
-Ganache Cream:
1.Chop chocolates and transfer into a heat proof bowl.
Heat cream until bubbles form around the edge of the pan,pour cream over the chocolate.
2.Refrigerate until ganache is set, at least 30 minutes.Beat the cold ganache until stiff peaks form.
3.Run a warm thin knife around inside of springform pan,then remove side.
4.Applied the whipped ganache to the sides.Leave to cool a little.
-Chocolate Collar:
1.Using a ruler, measure the height of the cake.
2.After you have determined the height, measure the circumference around the cake.
The easiest way to do this is to use yarn or kitchen twine and wrap it loosely around the base of the cake.
After you have your measurement,add additional inch or so to the total to
ensure that the chocolate will wrap all the way around without any gaps.
3.Now that you have the measurements, you can cut your baking paper,soft plastic sheet or aluminiumfolie to the appropriate size.Lay it flat on the bench.
4.Place melted chocolate,in a plastic bag.Cut a small hole in one corner and pipe or drizzle small designs onto a prepared surface.
5.Carefully place one end of the prepared sheet against the side of the cake, pressing the wet chocolate directly against the frosting.
6.Tape the outside of the transfer sheet to secure it around the sides of the cake.Place the cake in the refrigerator to fully set the chocolate for at least 25 minutes.
7.When the chocolate is set,Carefully peel away one corner of the sheet, and rotate the cake while gently peeling the sheet off the strip of chocolate.
The design will remain on the chocolate and the chocolate is now firmly molded to the cake sides
8.Decorate the cake as you wish!!

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