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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tips & Tricks for Puffy Eyes

Caffeine is an effective ingredient in treating puffy eyes. Choose Black Tea for best results.
Caffeine is an effective ingredient in treating puffy eyes. Choose Black Tea for best results.
We all have to deal with puffy eyes at one time or another. Here are the known solutions for treating the common puffy eyes:
  1. Puffiness can be caused by excessive salt/sodium intake in the body. The best thing for your eyes and body is to stay away from salty foods – beware of processed food (loaded in sodium) and seasonings such as soy sauce. After a salty meal, try to drink a large glass of water or a cup of green or chamomile tea before bedtime to flush out the sodium from your body.
  2. Got allergies? If they cause your puffy eyes, take an anti-histamine such as Claritin or Reactine.
  3. If your pillow is too flat, try using an extra pillow to elevate your head so the fluid doesn’t settle under the skin around your eyes.
  4. Use an eye gel that contains anti-inflammatory ingredients. Look for ingredients such as caffeine, cucumber and/or chamomile. Keep in mind that many eye creams are hit-or-miss, one product may work on some people but not for all.
  5. Use a couple of wet black tea bags (the tea has to be caffeinated) that had been in the fridge for at least 15 minutes and put them on your eyes for 10 minutes. The caffeine will drain the fluid and the cold will constrict blood vessels.
  6. Cool cucumber slices are handy too; but they work better on puffy eyes due to allergies.
Fresh Black Tea Age-Delay Eye Cream (0.5 oz., US$65.00)
Fresh Black Tea Age-Delay Eye Cream (0.5 oz., US$65.00) is a concoction of antioxidants including black and green tea, plus anti-inflammatories such as cucumber extract.
Makeup Tips for Puffy Eyes:
  • Stay clear of shimmery, bright or dark eyeshadows and eyeliners. These will draw attention to the swelling, not improve it.
  • If you use a concealer, use one that is light textured near just the inner and outer corners of your eyes.
  • Play up your cheeks or lips to draw attention away from your eyes.
If you have suffered from puffy eyes for a long time, keep in mind that it will take some time for the condition to go away. Don’t expect any products to work overnight! Also, remember that excessive sodium intake is the culprit in many cases. A home-cooked meal light on sodium will minimize exposure to it (and it’s better for people with water-retention related bloating too).

Models Direct: Top Five Solutions For Puffy Eyes

A couple of weeks back Models Direct gave some tips on how to avoid dark circles under the eye. This week we thought we would tackle puffiness around or under the eye.

Eye puffiness, while it may present itself alongside dark circles, is a different problem often with quite different causes and cures.

If you would like to read our article on how to avoid dark circles you can find it here -

Models Direct Guide To Avoiding Dark Circles

For more on eye puffiness and suggestions on how to avoid it read on.

Causes and Cures

Fluid retention

Fluid retention may result in eye puffiness for a number of reasons: It could be due to excess salt or artificial sweeteners in your diet, fluctuating hormone levels, or even the salt in tears. Tears and hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy and menstruation, may be unavoidable, but cutting down your salt intake will help to prevent puffy eyes and other swelling in the body, as your body stores salt in fluid. You should also cut out artificial sweeteners which encourage fluid retention.

To treat puffy eyes caused by fluid retention try;

Sleeping on your back or with your head elevated.
Gently tapping the puffy area from the outer corner to the nose to drain fluid.
Drinking more water. Yes, it may seem odd but drinking more water is a great way to tackle fluid retention!


As stated above always ensure that you are well hydrated. Drink plenty of fluid, up to eight glasses a day, as dehydration is another cause of fluid retention due to the body beginning to store fluids as a response.


As with dark circles, puffiness can be caused by allergies. Try switching your skincare and eye make up products to a more 'skin friendly' brand and see if this helps. If there is no change and you are concerned about puffiness around the eye that is not normal for you then visit your doctor for reassurance. He may prescribe an antihistamine or have another explanation and treatment for you.

Eye infection

Never sleep in contact lenses or eye makeup as this may cause infection and swelling. Never share eye makeup products and renew them regularly to avoid spread of bacteria.

Pulling on the skin around the eye.

Use an effective but gentle eye makeup remover and avoid rubbing the eye. The skin around the eye area is very sensitive and heavy handed eye makeup removal can result in damage to the skin, worsening baggy eyes. If you are unsure of what kind of eye makeup remover to use then Models Direct would recommend a little warmed olive oil on a damp cotton wool pad. Never pull the skin whilst removing makeup, instead use small patting motions pushing very gently from the outer to the inner corner and repeating until clean. Try not to wear waterproof eye makeup unless it is absolutely necessary, as it is more difficult to remove.

Other general tips

Haemorrhoid creams have long been used by celebrities to alleviate puffy eyes. It's anti-inflammatory agents help to bring down swelling.
Cold compresses, including dampened teabags, potato and cucumber slices will help to reduce swelling.
Wear sunglasses whenever possible.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

NB. As with dark circles, puffy eyes can be caused by fatigue - please refer to our 'Models Direct Guide To Avoiding Dark Circles Around The Eye' article (link above) for more information.

If you are suffering from severe and persistent eye puffiness please seek medical advice to be sure that there is no serious underlying cause.