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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
для теста:
мука - 500 грамм
яйца - две штуки
оливковое масло - две столовых ложки
соль - по вкусу
мука - для посыпания теста
для начинки:
куриное филе - 300 грамм
тертый пармезан - пять столовых ложек
сливки - одна столовая ложка
яичные желтки - две штуки
лимон - две штуки
мускатный орех - по вкусу
черный молотый перец - по вкусу
соль - по вкусу
Муку просеем горкой на рабочую поверхность и сделаем в центре углубление. Положим в углубление яйца, соль и оливковое масло. Месим, постепенно добавляя воду, до тех пор, пока тесто не станет гладким и эластичным. После чего накроем льняным полотенцем и оставим на 20 минут.Для приготовления начинки куриное филе сварим в кипящей подсоленной воде до готовности, вынем из бульона, остудим и мелко нарежем. Добавим сливки, тертый пармезан, измельченную цедру лимона, мускатный орех, соль и перец. Перемешаем все до однородного состояния.Готовое тесто раскатаем в тонкий круг и вырежем при помощи стакана кружки диаметром 5 см. На середину каждого кружка положим немного приготовленной начинки и лепим тортеллини как пельмени. Отверстие в центре тортелини сделаем больше, чем у пельменей.Варим подготовленные тортеллини в большом количестве подсоленной кипящей воды в течении 8 минут, после чего вынем при помощи шумовки и разложим по тарелкам. Готовые тортеллини посыпем тертым пармезаном или подадим с соусом «Болоньез».
сайт Аппетитно!
Амурские пельмени
Зимнее, сытное блюдо. Насколько оно "амурское" не знаю, но научившая меня соседка была родом с Дальнего Востока. Попробуйте!
Очень сытное и богатое вкусом блюдо. Я часто делаю его, когда много гостей-мужчин, все наелись от пуза мяса и возни минимум. Рекомендую :)))
Очень сытное и богатое вкусом блюдо. Я часто делаю его, когда много гостей-мужчин, все наелись от пуза мяса и возни минимум. Рекомендую :)))
Весенняя окрошка
Окрошкой называется холодный суп на квасе, в рецепте которой основной компонент - овощная масса. По рецепту окорошки к этой массе могут быть подмешаны холодное отварное мясо или рыба в пропорции 1:1. В зависимости от того, что добавлено к овощам, получаем окрошку овощную, мясную или рыбную. Так, на мясную окрошку шло не специально приготовленное для нее мясо, а остатки других мясных блюд, преимущественно мясо, срезанное с костей, кстати, как более мягкое и нежное. В старинной русской окрошке предпочитали сочетать мясо поросенка, индейки и тетерева, т. е. нежирную свинину, домашнюю птицу и дичь. Из рыбы годятся в окрошку линь, судак, поскольку их мясо сладкое, нейтральное и не очень костистое, из морских - только треска, наиболее нейтральная по вкусу и нежирная и хорошо сочетаемая с овощами и квасом. Условием для получения хорошей окрошки является также выбор для неё жидкой основы, т. е. кваса, и заправка его пряностями. Обычно для окрошки идёт так называемый белый окрошечный квас, более кислый, чем обычный питьевой хлебный.
Окрошка весенняя №1
Для рецепта вам потребуется:
квас - 350г
огуречная трава (листья) - 20г
столовая горчица - 4г
кресс-салат - 8г
зеленый лук - 20г
укроп - 8г
картофель (отварной) - 30г
яйцо - 1/2 шт.
сметана - 20г
отварное мясо (колбасы) - 26г
Отварной картофель, отварное мясо (колбасу) нарезают мелкими кубиками. Зеленый лук, листья кресс-салата, укропа шинкуют. Нашинкованные листья молодой огуречной травы растирают деревянным пестиком (ложкой) с небольшим количеством соли до появления сока. Белки яиц, сваренных вкрутую, мелко нарезают, а желтки растирают с частью сметаны, столовой горчицей, солью и разводят квасом. В приготовленную смесь добавляют растертую с солью огуречную траву, нарезанные продукты и все перемешивают. При подаче к столу кладут сметану.
Окрошка весенняя №2
Для рецепта вам потребуется:
хлебный квас - 1 л
картофель (вареный) - 3-4 шт.
редис - 100г
зеленый салат (листья) - 2-3 шт.
огурец - 1 шт.
зеленый лук (рубленый) - 2-3 ст.л.
яйцо (вкрутую) - 1-2 шт.
сметана - 3-4 ст.л.
горчица - 1 ч.л.
сахар, соль - по вкусу
рубленый укроп - по вкусу.
Овощи нарезать маленькими кубиками или соломкой, листья салата измельчить руками. Зеленый лук растирать с солью до тех пор, пока не выделится сок. Яичные желтки растереть с горчицей, солью и сахаром, залить квасом. Добавить подготовленные овощи и рубленый белок. Окончательно посолить.
Держать окрошку на холоде не больше 15-30 мин, иначе суп станет безвкусным.
Окрошка весенняя №3
Для рецепта вам потребуется:
квас - 1.2 л
огуречная трава (листья) - 6 шт.
крапива (листья) - 150г
зеленый салат - 100г
горчица (листья) - 2 шт.
зеленый лук - 60г
картофель - 200г
огурцы - 200г
яйцо - 2 шт.
сметана - 60г
сахар, соль - по вкусу.
Молодые листья огуречной травы растереть с крутым желтком. Листья молодой крапивы отварить в течение 5-6 мин и процедить. Листья зеленого салата, горчицы листовой, зеленого лука, укропа также мелко нарезать, добавить нарезанный ломтиками вареный картофель, свежий огурец, яичные белки, залить квасом.
Royal Wedding Cake Decorated With 900 Secret Symbolic Meaning Sugar-Paste Flowers
They celebrated their love for each other today in a lavish Royal Wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey and this is the extraordinary cake that they enjoyed at the reception.
Prince William and his bride Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, cut the first slice of the magnificent eight-tiered wedding cake this afternoon as they celebrated their marriage with friends and family.
Flowers featured on the cake
Rose (white) - national symbol of EnglandDaffodil - national symbol of Wales, new beginnings
Shamrock – national symbol of Ireland
Thistle - national symbol of Scotland
Acorns, oak leaf - strength, endurance
Myrtle - love
Ivy - wedded love, marriage
Lily of the valley - sweetness, humility
Rose (bridal) – happiness, love
Sweet William - grant me one smile
Honeysuckle - the bond of love
Apple blossom - preference, good fortune
White heather – protection, wishes will come true
Jasmine (white) - amiability
Daisy – innocence, beauty, simplicity
Orange blossom - marriage, eternal love, fruitfulness
Lavender - ardent attachment, devotion, success, and luck.
The confectionery masterpiece covered in cream and white icing and decorated with up to 900 delicate sugar-paste flowers was centre-stage at the Buckingham Palace reception held in the picture gallery.
The project has left cake-maker Fiona Cairns exhausted but elated after working for five weeks on it which has tested her skills and those of her team to the limit.
The new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are fans of her fruit cakes, while Paul McCartney orders one for Christmas every year, and she has also baked creations for bands Pink Floyd and Simply Red in the past.
Ms Cairns, 56, whose confections are sold in Harrods, Selfridges and Waitrose, was contacted by St James’s Palace in February and asked if she would make William and Kate’s wedding cake.
Speaking at Buckingham Palace after she had put the final touches to the cake, she said: ‘The picture gallery has high ceilings and is an imposing room so I wanted the cake to have presence but not to be imposing and I think it worked.
Catherine did not want it to be seven feet tall, she didn’t want it to be towering and thin, and I think we succeeded.
‘We reflected some of the architectural details in the room so the garlands on the walls were reproduced loosely on the fourth tier – we’ve used roses, acorns, ivy leaves, apple blossom and bridal rose.’
Kate also gave Ms Cairns detailed instructions for her to include 17 different blooms and foliage for their meaning or symbolism – known as the ‘language of flowers’.
Ms Cairns, who lives in Leicestershire where her factory is based, started her business from her kitchen table and now employs more than 50 people.
She said: ‘I could not believe I finished it in time but we were all really pleased with it. I worked at the palace for two days before the wedding, setting it up with my team.
‘The hardest part was transporting the cakes from Leicestershire to the palace – we were worried they would get damaged – then we had to assemble them.
‘It was tough work but I really enjoyed it. It’s been an extraordinary commission.’
Along the cake’s base ran ivy leaves, symbolising marriage, and the bottom three tiers were decorated with piped lace work and daisies, meaning innocence, sweet William – grant me one smile – and lavender.
There were infill features of cascading orange and apple blossom, honeysuckle, acorns with oak leaves – meaning strength and endurance – and bridal rose, which symbolises happiness, and myrtle.
The fourth tier featured the intricate garlands, reflecting the architectural details in the room, and above this was another cake covered with lattice work and piped leaf detail.
Lily of the valley – representing sweetness and humility – covered the sixth tier which also had an artistic interpretation of the couple’s cipher – their initials intertwined below a coronet.
The four flowers of the home nations – English rose, Scottish thistle, Welsh daffodil and Irish shamrock – were featured on the penultimate tier and the top cake, around six inches in diameter, was covered with lace details with a garland of lily of the valley and heather on top.
The cakemaker would not reveal all the ingredients she used but said the cake contained a range of produce from dried fruits such as raisins and sultanas to walnuts, cherries, grated oranges and lemon, French brandy and free-range eggs and flour.
Kathryn Boyden, Buckingham Palace’s royal pastry chef, and her colleague, sous chef Jane Fisher, helped make the sugar lily of the valley.
Ms Boyden said: ‘I was speechless, this cake made me speechless, and I think it is exactly what the bride wanted – it’s just perfect.’
Prince William and Kate were also sent a cake made by McVities, the chocolate biscuit creation was made from a Royal Family recipe and was specially requested by Prince William.
Source: Dailymail
Blackberry Farm’s Country Ham-Wrapped Sturgeon with Fennel and Sun-Dried Tomato White Bean Ragout
Tennessee was one of the first states to farm-raise sturgeon. The enterprise was started in order to restock rivers and lakes with the big fish that was once king, but it became clear that at least one out of ten of the farmed sturgeon should be sold, especially now that landing wild sturgeon is illegal in most states. Those who do not have the good fortune to live within cooking distance of country ham and very fresh (and legal) sturgeon could use prosciutto and grouper instead. The beans can be made well in advance of dinner; in fact, they improve with several days’ rest. Just keep in mind that they need to be soaked overnight.
For the ragout:
- 1/2 cup dried navy beans
- 4 cups cold water
- 1 Tbs. vegetable oil
- 1/2 white onion, diced
- 1 carrot, peeled and diced
- 1 small fennel bulb, very thinly sliced
- 3 cups vegetable stock or water
- 1/2 cup sun-dried tomato halves, cut into thin strips
- 1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
- 1/2 tsp. freshly ground pepper
For the sturgeon:
- 4 skinless sturgeon fillets, each 4 oz.
- 1 tsp. kosher salt
- 1 tsp. freshly ground pepper
- 4 paper-thin slices of country ham
- 1 Tbs. vegetable oil
Soak the beans overnight in water to cover.
Drain the beans, place them in a medium saucepan with the 4 cups cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer the beans, uncovered, until tender, 40 to 45 minutes. Drain and set aside.
To make the ragout, in a large fry pan over medium heat, warm the oil and add the onion. Cook, stirring frequently, until the onion is translucent, 6 to 7 minutes. Stir in the carrot and fennel and continue to cook until all the vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes. Add the beans and the stock to the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the sun-dried tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes more to allow all the flavors to meld. Season with the salt and pepper.
To make the sturgeon, preheat an oven to 400°F.
Sprinkle the fish with the salt and pepper, then wrap each piece of fish in a slice of country ham, leaving the ends exposed.
In a large ovenproof fry pan over medium-high heat, warm the oil until hot. Add the fish and cook on all sides until the ham is golden brown. Transfer the pan to the oven and continue to cook for 4 to 5 minutes more; the fish is done when it feels firm to the touch. Serve the fish on top of the ragout. Serves 4.
Adapted from The Blackberry Farm Cookbook, by Sam Beall (Clarkson Potter, 2009).
Drain the beans, place them in a medium saucepan with the 4 cups cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer the beans, uncovered, until tender, 40 to 45 minutes. Drain and set aside.
To make the ragout, in a large fry pan over medium heat, warm the oil and add the onion. Cook, stirring frequently, until the onion is translucent, 6 to 7 minutes. Stir in the carrot and fennel and continue to cook until all the vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes. Add the beans and the stock to the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the sun-dried tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes more to allow all the flavors to meld. Season with the salt and pepper.
To make the sturgeon, preheat an oven to 400°F.
Sprinkle the fish with the salt and pepper, then wrap each piece of fish in a slice of country ham, leaving the ends exposed.
In a large ovenproof fry pan over medium-high heat, warm the oil until hot. Add the fish and cook on all sides until the ham is golden brown. Transfer the pan to the oven and continue to cook for 4 to 5 minutes more; the fish is done when it feels firm to the touch. Serve the fish on top of the ragout. Serves 4.
Adapted from The Blackberry Farm Cookbook, by Sam Beall (Clarkson Potter, 2009).
Blackberry Farm’s Sweet and Spicy Foothills Coleslaw
For maximum crunch, this zippy variation on classic coleslaw should be made no more than 2 hours before serving. The dish makes a fine companion to fried chicken or burgers.
- 3 Tbs. Dijon mustard
- 1/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
- 3 Tbs. malt vinegar
- 1 1/2 tsp. mustard seed oil or very spicy mustard such as English or German
- 1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, plus more, to taste
- 1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper, plus more, to taste
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 3 cups thinly sliced red cabbage
- 3 cups thinly sliced green cabbage
- 1 1/2 cups shredded carrots
- 3/4 cup shredded red onion
In a large bowl, whisk together the Dijon mustard, brown sugar, malt vinegar, mustard seed oil, the 1 1/2 tsp. salt and the 1/4 tsp. pepper, whisking until the sugar dissolves. Whisk in the mayonnaise.
Add the red and green cabbages, the carrots and onion and toss until the vegetables are coated. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Strain the coleslaw. Taste and season it with more salt or pepper if desired. Serves 6.
Adapted from The Blackberry Farm Cookbook, by Sam Beall (Clarkson Potter, 2009).
Add the red and green cabbages, the carrots and onion and toss until the vegetables are coated. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Strain the coleslaw. Taste and season it with more salt or pepper if desired. Serves 6.
Adapted from The Blackberry Farm Cookbook, by Sam Beall (Clarkson Potter, 2009).
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