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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Easter Cookies!

This week on Flickr Faves Sunday, I bring you some pretty Easter cookies with these gorgeous pics. Check back soon for some more of the most inspirational photographers on Flickr.
Some beautiful shots from my Flickr favourites (clockwise from top left):
- The sweet butterflies, ducks, rabbits and eggs in easter basket by Lynn In Singapore
- The pretty decorated in Easter Cookies by Glorious Treats
- The detailed decoration in Easter Egg by Haniela
- The wonderful Spring Animals by Glorious Treats
Fondant flowers

To make fondant flowers you'll need:
- White ready to roll regal ice icing (also called roll-out icing, rolled fondant or pastillage),
- Sifted icing sugar (also called powdered sugar or confectioners' sugar),
- Natural food colouring in the colours you want (I chose red, yellow, and blue)
- eight petal daisy cutter
- circle cutters
- rolling pin
- baking parchment
- Divide the white ready to roll icing into four smaller pieces.
- Knead the icing to soften, then gradually add food colouring until you get the desired colour. I used yellow and blue to make green, red and blue to make purple, a little red to make pink, and blue with yellow to make pale mint blue.
- Lay out some baking parchment on your work surface.
- Sieve icing sugar onto your work area and rolling pin.
- Roll the icing out to about 4mm thick and, using a cutter, cut out the petal shapes. For the centre of the flowers cut a circle and then press into a small measuring spoon, like the one pictured, to get a button-like shape.
- Wet back of flower centre, place on top of petals, and allow to set.
Happy Easter!

This week on Flickr Faves Sunday, I bring you a bright coloured Easter palette with these gorgeous pics. Check back soon for some more of the most inspirational photographers on Flickr.
Some beautiful shots from my Flickr favourites (clockwise from top left):
- The fabulous dyed eggs in Easter Colors ... by Ruthalice43
- The pretty adorable Chicky ...... by abbietabbie
- The yummy Pastel M&Ms by rajmtx
- The cute cupcake Ducky ....... by abbietabbie
Eva Blixman

This week on Flickr Faves Sunday, I bring you the wonderful work of Eva Blixman. I adore her pretty floral polka dot cupcakes and the watering can is the cutest! Check out her blog for more beautiful cupcakes and photography.
Check back soon for some more of the most inspirational photographers on Flickr.
Some beautiful shots from my Flickr favourites (clockwise from top left):
- The adorable polka dot teapot in Cupcake
- The ever so cute watering can in Spring Cupcake
- The delightful polka dot floral Cupcakes The wonderful floral boutique atop Mother's Day Cupcake
Easter Bunnies

Easter for me is not complete without a few bunnies around! Last year my sweet friends bought me the ceramic bunny from Pottery Barn and he sat on my Easter table. This year I have ordered the decorative bunnies from Tchibo to keep it company!
Easter Trees

Last year I made an Easter tree and hung handmade felt birds on it, as seen in the first pic. In my search to show you some other great Easter trees I found out that the concept originated in Germany. "Osterbaum", the German name for Easter trees, are usually made out of the cut branches of pussy willow or other flowering bushes which are brought into the house and placed in vases. They are then decorated with hand painted wooden eggs, or hollowed out real eggs.
Also, the small living trees and bushes that are already planted around the outside of the house are often decorated with plastic, wooden or real painted eggs and wreaths. How fantastic!
Easter Table Decorations

Last year for my Easter Table I hand painted bird houses and stuck chocolate-filled egg nests inside them. To see how, just click the link below the top pics. This year I intend to use them again but will add a few paper flowers and butterflies, like in the mini nests pic. I also want to add more fresh flowers to my table.
P.S. Click any of the links (blue lettering) in any of my posts to be linked through to the how-to or store of interest.
Easter Wreaths

Last year I bought my Easter wreath from John Lewis and hung it on my door. This year I am bringing it inside and hanging it from my deer head.
Easter Baking Pretties

Today in my series of posts "Inspirational Pins", I bring you another Easter Inspirational board, this time with the sweetest flowery cupcakes and what's not to love about the piped grass cupcakes with eggs? For more Easter inspiration, both in and out of the kitchen, check out my Easter Pinterest board!
- Creation cupcakes
- Fields of flowers cupcakes
- Pansy cupcakes
- Spring posy mini cakes
- Spring flower cupcakes
I must dash. I have got so much baking to do!
Easter Chocolate lollipops

I love chocolate, so when the lovely people at Hotel Chocolat sent me a load of white chocolate drops, I was so excited. I love how easy it is to melt the chocolate drops and the taste, well yummy!
What could I make this time? I started by ordering some bunny and leaf lollipop moulds as I love how sophisticated the bunny moulds look. After making some white chocolate Easter bunny lollipops I had a go at colouring the chocolate using powdered green colouring. I made the chocolate leaf lollipops in green chocolate and thought they looked like lettuce leaves that the bunny could sit amongst. After experimenting with a few glasses, jars, pots etc. I settled on using the shot glasses filled with some edible green grass I picked up on a recent trip to Butlers.
I will be using them tomorrow as table settings for my guests at my Easter Monday tea party. Now I must dash as I have lunch at my folks and a special little lady is playing the Easter Bunny this year! Then later tonight I will be setting up my Easter table and adding the finishing touches to my cupcakes!
Easter Chocolate lollipops
What you will need:
Sitting bunny lollipop moulds
Leaf lollipop moulds
White chocolate drops
Green dusting powder
2mm pink double faced satin ribbon
2mm blue double faced satin ribbon
5mm blue gingham ribbon
5mm pink gingham ribbon
Edible green grass
Six shot glasses

- Temper (melt) and colour your chocolate, place lollipop sticks in moulds
- Squeeze chocolate into moulds
- Lightly tap moulds so chocolate lays flat and air bubbles are removed, and leave to set
- Turn out chocolate lollipops
- Tie gingham ribbon around bases
- Make a bow and trim ends
- Repeat step 1-4 with white chocolate in Easter bunny lollipop moulds
- Tie 2mm ribbon into a bow around neck of bunny
- Shred edible grass
- Fill shot glass with edible grass
- Place leaf lollipops in edible grass
- Place Easter bunny lollipop in centre of leaf lollipops

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