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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

DIY Tuesday: Mini Cake - "Cake Pops"


Cake pops are one of my favorite new inventions. I love that I can take the cake pop batter and manipulate it into pretty much whatever shape I want, depending on the occasion of course. Have you seen the Bakerella website, if you haven't you must because the possibilities are seriously endless for cake pop designs! I'm finding it hard to make something that has already been done!

Well, I made these mini cake "cake pops" for the "Let Them Eat Cake" party I posted a few weeks ago. I thought they turned out pretty cute and the girls loved them!

If you would like to learn how to make these lovely little treats click below...

Don't worry...the instructions for these cake pops are a lot more simple then my Spring Flower Cake Pops, I promise!

Mini Cake "Cake Pops"
You will need...
1 box chocolate cake mix (cook as directed on box for 13 X 9 cake)
1 can cream cheese buttercream frosting (16 oz.) or approx. 2 cups

White chocolate melts (can purchase at Walmart or craft stores)
lollipop sticks (can purchase at craft stores)
A small amount of buttercream frosting to decorate mini cakes
Frosting bag, coupler, and #2 or #3 frosting tip
1" diameter round cookie cutter
Wax paper
Styrofoam square (can purchase at most craft stores)

Step 1. Make a batch of cake pop batter using steps 1-4 from my previous Spring Flower Cake Pop tutorial (only use chocolate cake mix instead).

Step 2. Line a large baking sheet with wax paper. Then, form the mixture into small round balls about 1-1/2" - 2" in diameter. Then squish them down so the tops are fairly flat. Let the cake ball forms sit in the freezer until they firm up (either a few hours or overnight).

Step 3. Press your 1" diameter cookie cutter into your cake pop forms and trim away excess batter with your fingers. (tip: if you coat the inside and outside of your cookie cutter with shortening it will cut through the cake pop batter easier).

Step 4. Place mini cake forms on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Place a little shortening on your finger tips and smooth out the tops and sides of your mini cakes.

Step 5. Insert the Lollipop sticks into your mini cakes. Melt a small amount of the chocolate, place in a zip-lock bag, cut the tip of the bag, then pipe a ring around the top of the lollipop (where it meets the cake). Place in the freezer for about an hour.
For a more pictures, see step 10 of my Spring Flower Cake Pops.

Step 6. Melt chocolate according to package directions. I like to melt mine in a tall/skinny cup in the microwave, the cup makes it easier to dip and uses less chocolate. Dip the mini cakes in the melted chocolate (take out of the freezer 1 at a time to help keep firm), making sure to cover the cakes completely.

*Tap the lollipop stick against the cup very lightly to help remove excess chocolate.

Step 7. Place the mini cakes upright by pressing the bottoms of the lollipop sticks into a block of styrofoam and let the chocolate harden completely.

Step 8. Using a #3 frosting tip and buttercream frosting, pipe a mini boarder around the top and bottom of the mini cakes.

Step 9. Using the same frosting tip, pipe the words "cake" on the top of the mini cakes. (You don't have to do this, I just got a little nervous that people wouldn't know what the cakes pops were suppose to be, and then I decided it was kind of cute :)

Step 10. If you would like to use the foam block to display your cake pops, you can cover the top with doilies or lace fabric. Then just stick the lollipops through the holes in the lacing. I also placed my foam block on a small platter.

Keep cake pops in the fridge or a cool place until ready to serve. Then enjoy!

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