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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fruitcake Pops


Starry Fruit cake pops

Last week I showed you my fist batch of cake pops, leopard print ones. I really loved how they looked and tasted and wanted to make more.

I have been recently working on a birthday cake and I had some fruit cake left over so I thought rather than waste the bits I didn't use I would make them into fruit cake pops. I went for chocolate buttercream as the binding element and have coloured and themed them to match the birthday cake.

If you don't have time to make a fruit cake you can always use a shop bought one! These are the second batch of cake pops I have made and I definitely need to keep practicing the coating part! It can be tricky to get nice and smooth. However, my plan of letting the cake pops with inserted stocks rest in the fridge before coating the cake in candy has stopped the cake pops from spinning on their sticks.

Fruit Cake Pops (makes 24 cake pops)

560g gluten free fruit cake (click link for recipe)
160g chocolate buttercream frosting (see below for recipe)
399g candy melts
Sprinkle stars
Edible glitter

What you will need
24 x 6" lollipop sticks
Polystyrene block
Baking parchment

Cooking instructions
  1. Crumble fruit cake with your fingers so it is in the smallest pieces.
  2. In a food mixer, mix the chocolate frosting with the fruit cake crumbles.
  3. Whisk until it resembles a dough like mixture.
  4. Place mixture into fridge to firm up, making it easier to work with.
  5. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  6. Using electric scales, measure out 30g of mixture and roll into a ball.
  7. Place on baking sheet.
  8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 until all mixture has gone.
  9. Place candy melts into a microwavable bowl.
  10. Heat for 1 min on medium.
  11. Stir and continue heating in 30 second intervals until candy is fully melted.
  12. Push one lollipop stick into the melted chocolate and then into one cake.
  13. Place cake pop in fridge whilst you continue to repeat step 12 for each cake pop, placing them in the fridge after each cake.
  14. Take cake pops out of fridge one by one and coat in chocolate, sprinkle glitter and stars on top.
  15. Push into polystyrene block and leave to dry.

Chocolate buttercream frosting (260g)

  • 55g (2oz) butter, softened
  • 85g (3oz) sifted icing sugar
  • 28g (1/2 oz) cocoa powder, sifted
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence

Cooking instructions
  1. Whisk butter and vanilla essence until light and fluffy.
  2. Gradually whisk in icing sugar and cocoa powder.

Starry yellow cake pops
Starry orange cake pop
Starry yellow cake pop
Cake pops in lace printed bag

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