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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Пряник "Тульский" от crybell.

Текст автора фото мое.
источник (700x525, 96Kb)Рецепт необычный, попробуйте обязательно!!! По мнению моих близких, по вкусу этот пряник гораздо вкуснее аналогов из магазина :)))) Очень прост в приготовлении, безумно вкусный и долго остается нежным и мягким!
Ингредиенты :
Сахар — 1 стак.
Яйцо — 2 шт
Маргарин мягкий — 125 г
Мед — 3 ст. л.
Корица молотая — 1 ст. л.
Сода (не гасить!!!) — 1 ч. л.
Сахар (для глазури) — 4 ст. л.
Молоко (для глазури) — 2 ст. л.
Мука пшеничная — 2,5 стак.
Повидло (любое густое) — 1 стак.
1.Сахар, яйца, соду, корицу и мед перемешайте.
2.Добавьте маргарин (если не размягченный, я тру на терке). Хорошо перемешайте и поставьте на кипящую водяную баню на 10-15 мин. Периодически помешивайте.
3.У вас получится однородная воздушная масса.
4.Добавьте в эту массу один стакан просеянной муки. Перемешайте и остудите. (Я ставлю чашку с тестом в емкость с холодной водой минут на 10, периодически помешивая). ЭТО ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!!!!!!!!!!!! В остывшее, теплое тесто постепенно добавляйте оставшуюся просеянную муку, хорошо размешивая вилкой, в конце замеса - руками. Количество муки приблизительное, может понадобиться чуть больше.
Если сыпать муку в горячее тесто (не остудив предварительно), то муки уйдет гораздо больше, и тесто получится очень тугое, а нам нужно мягкое и эластичное.
5.Раскатайте тесто в пласт толщиной 0,5 см и разрежьте на 9 квадратов. Стол хорошо подпылите мукой, а то тесто может прилипнуть.
6.На одну половинку квадрата положите повидло, накройте второй половиной и хорошо придавите по бокам пальцами. Тесто очень хорошо формируется и склеивается, начинка не вытечет)
7.Вилку обмакните в муку и надавите по бокам пряника - для красоты
8.Выложите на смазанный маслом лист пергамента и выпекайте в горячей духовке при температуре 180 градусов минут 10-15, не больше! Пекутся быстро - вы увидите, они хорошо поднимутся и подрумянятся.
9.Пока пекутся приготовьте глазурь: смешайте сахар и молоко, поставьте на огонь и мешайте до растворения сахара, доведите до кипения и кипятите 3-4 минуты.
10.Как только испекутся, сразу горячими смажьте глазурью и дайте остыть.


 (700x525, 109Kb)

Пополнение рогатых

Ореховые рогалики
Очень вкус­ные, неж­ные, рас­сыпча­тые и аро­мат­ные ро­гали­ки. Этот ре­цепт я наш­ла в кни­ге из­вест­ной ук­ра­инс­кой хо­зяй­ки Д. Цвек. Он ме­ня сра­зу за­ин­те­ресо­вал, пос­коль­ку и ро­гали­ки, и вы­печ­ку с оре­хами я очень люб­лю. Но оби­лие столь раз­ных аро­матов ме­ня нес­коль­ко сму­щало. Я при­вык­ла, что обыч­но до­мини­ру­ет ка­кой-то один, а ос­таль­ные его от­те­ня­ют. Здесь же все аро­маты силь­ные и яр­кие, и мне слож­но бы­ло предс­та­вить, как же в ито­ге бу­дут пах­нуть ро­гали­ки. Тем ин­те­рес­нее бы­ло поп­ро­бовать их ис­печь.
Ре­зуль­тат по­лучил­ся очень и очень! Аро­маты все сме­шались в очень яр­кий и не­обыч­ный бу­кет.
В ре­цепт я внес­ла не­боль­шие из­ме­нения, но не ду­маю, что это как-то пов­ли­яло на вку­совые ка­чест­ва ро­гали­ков.
  • 100 г мар­га­рина или сли­воч­но­го мас­ла
  • 150 г му­ки
  • 50 г са­хара
  • 2 яй­ца
  • 0,5 ч.л. ко­рицы
  • 2 ч.л. раз­рыхли­теля
  • 100 г мо­лотых грец­ких оре­хов
  • 2 ст.л. мо­лотых бе­лых су­харей
  • 100 г са­хара
  • 50 мл очень креп­ко­го на­тураль­но­го ко­фе, сва­рен­но­го на мо­локе
  • ва­ниль­ный са­хар
Мар­га­рин в ком­бай­не по­руби­те с му­кой в мел­кую крош­ку.
У од­но­го яй­ца от­де­лите бе­лок и от­ло­жите его в сто­рону.
До­бавь­те в мас­ля­ную крош­ку са­хар, ко­рицу, раз­рыхли­тель, яй­цо и жел­ток. За­меси­те тес­то. Оно лип­ко­ватое, но долж­но сфор­ми­ровать­ся в шар.
Ореховые рогалики, тесто
Ес­ли не хо­чет, до­бавь­те ещё сов­сем нем­но­го му­ки.
Отп­равь­те тес­то на час в хо­лодиль­ник. А тем вре­менем при­готовь­те на­чин­ку. Сва­рите ко­фе на мо­локе, про­цеди­те. Мо­лотые оре­хи сме­шай­те с су­харя­ми и са­харом, за­лей­те ко­фе до кон­систен­ции сред­не-гус­той ман­ной ка­ши. Пос­тавь­те смесь на мед­ленный огонь и ва­рите, по­меши­вая, до за­гус­те­ния. На­чин­ка долж­на стать пас­то­об­разной. Ос­ту­дите.
Ох­лаждён­ное тес­то дос­тань­те, рас­ка­тай­те тол­щи­ной 3 мм, на­режь­те квад­ра­тами со сто­роной 6 см. На се­реди­ну каж­до­го квад­ра­та по­ложи­те на­чин­ку.
Рогалики с ореховой начинкой
Один из уг­лов смажь­те бел­ком. Два про­тиво­полож­ных уг­ла внах­лёст уло­жите над на­чин­кой, при­чём свер­ху дол­жен быть тот, ко­торый сма­зали бел­ком, что­бы ро­галик при вы­печ­ке не раз­вернул­ся.
На­чин­ка при вы­печ­ке ве­дёт се­бя прос­то об­разцо­во-по­каза­тель­но — не вы­тека­ет и не рас­полза­ет­ся. По­это­му ро­гали­ки мож­но осо­бо не за­щипы­вать.
Ра­зог­рей­те ду­хов­ку до 200°С. Вы­ложи­те ро­гали­ки на выс­те­лен­ный пер­га­мент­ной бу­магой про­тивень и отп­равь­те в ду­хов­ку ми­нут на 12-15. Ро­гали­ки долж­ны слег­ка за­румя­нить­ся.
Го­рячи­ми по­сыпь­те ва­ниль­ной са­хар­ной пуд­рой. И при­ят­но­го ап­пе­тита!

Florentine Artichoke Dip



  • 1, 16 oz. package cream cheese
  • ½ cup mayo
  • 1½ cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
  • 1, 10 oz. package frozen chopped spinach
  • 1 can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • 32 cloves of roasted garlic


Preheat oven to 375ºF. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until well combined. Transfer to an oven-safe soufflé dish and bake for 20 minutes.
Serve hot with toasted baguette slices.

Chipotle-Honey Dipping Sauce

This dip is exactly what it appears to be – fun and simple. While a gourmand exists in us all, there is always equal room for home-style foods. Chipotles may have made an enormous splash on the food scene a number of years ago, yet they still maintain a place in a variety of food styles. Use this dipping sauce for everything from fried chicken tenders to grilled prawns!


  • 2-3 chipotle peppers plus 2 tablespoons adobo sauce (the sauce in which chipotle peppers are packed)
  • 1 cup raw, local honey
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seed, toasted
  • Kosher or sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste


Place chipotle peppers and sauce in a food processor and process until a smooth paste is reached. Scrape sides of bowl with spatula several times to aid the puree process. Slowly add honey and cumin seeds; process until completely mixed. Season the dip to taste with salt and pepper.
Chipotle-Honey Dip will keep up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Adjust "heat" of dip by adding or reducing the number of chilies used or by increasing the quantity of honey.

Sweetheart Sundae for Two



  • 1 square Nugget Market's FudgeFrosted Brownie
  • 1 pint Ciao Bella Vanilla Bean Gelato
  • ¼ cup Fran's Pure Raspberry Sauce
  • ¼ cup Mrs. Richardson's Hot Fudge


Use a small knife, preferably a paring knife, to cut the brownie into the shape of a heart.
Warm hot fudge sauce in the microwave (lid removed) for 20-30 seconds.
Drizzle fudge sauce evenly across a plate, then place heart-shaped brownie in the center. Top brownie with a generous scoop of vanilla bean gelato. Pour raspberry sauce over the top and serve with two spoons!

Meyer Lemon Sorbet



  • 4 lemons
  • 1 stalk lemongrass
  • 3 cups water
  • 1½ cups granulated sugar
  • 1 cup mineral water


Zest lemons; set aside. Juice lemons; set aside. Cut and remove top and bottom portions of lemongrass. Slice lemongrass into ⅛-inch to ¼-inch rounds; set aside. Strain reserved lemon juice.
Combine water and sugar in a small saucepan and place over medium heat. Whisk sugar and water together until melted and liquid begins to boil. Boil for approximately 1 minute; add lemongrass and lemon zest and boil an additional 1 minute. Remove from heat immediately and let stand for 5-10 minutes.
Strain liquid; discard lemongrass and lemon zest, then add the reserved fresh lemon juice and mineral water into one plastic container. Place syrup mixture in refrigerator and chill for about 1-2 hours.
When syrup is completely chilled, prepare ice cream maker. Layer ice, coarse or rock, until ice reaches the top of the metal insert. Pour syrup into machine and turn it on to begin freezing sorbet. Freezing process will take 25-30 minutes before sorbet reaches the correct consistency. Transfer sorbet immediately into a plastic covered container and place in freezer. Let stand in freezer for a minimum of 3 hours or overnight before serving.

Sweet & Sour Beets



  • 12 small red beets
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • ½ teaspoon kosher or sea salt
  • 6 cloves
  • ¼ cup Vilux Black Currant Vinegar
  • ¼ cup Kozlowski Red Raspberry Vinegar
  • 1, 3" piece of ginger, sliced into circles
  • 2 tablespoons butter


Scrub beets clean and trim. Leave root and 1" of stem on beets. Place beets in a pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer 30-40 minutes, or until a paring knife can be easily inserted into the body of a beet. Remove from heat; drain and run cold water over beets, gently rubbing off skins. Trim stem and root. Cut into wedges.
Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt, cloves and ginger in a heavy saucepan; stir in vinegar.
Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened and bubbly. Add butter. Strain sauce, discard solids, then pour over beets. Gently toss beets in sauce. Chill completely and serve. Sweet & Sour Beets may be made up to 2 days prior to serving.

Orange Macadamia Nut Fried Rice



  • 2 cups long-grain white rice
  • 3 navel oranges
  • 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • 1 pinch kosher or sea salt
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 bunch scallions, diced
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 bunch of cilantro, chopped
  • 2 cups fresh pineapple, cut into tidbits; or 1, 14 oz. can pineapple tidbits, drained
  • 1½ cups macadamia nuts
  • 3 tablespoons San-J Reduced-Sodium Tamari premium soy sauce
  • dash of Tabasco sauce


Zest all 3 naval oranges and set aside. Juice the oranges and add water to orange juice to equal 3¾ cups liquid. Pour orange-water liquid into a saucepot and add half of chopped orange zest, half of grated ginger and salt. Bring to boil and add rice. Reduce heat to low and simmer until liquid is absorbed, about 20 minutes. Transfer cooked rice to a shallow dish and place in refrigerator to chill completely, about 2 hours.
Place macadamia nuts in a 350°F oven for 5-7 minutes or until they are lightly toasted. Chop nuts rough and set aside.
When rice has cooled, add vegetable oil to a preheated wok or skillet (high heat). To skillet, add scallions, red bell pepper and the rest of the grated ginger and orange zest – stir-fry until bell pepper is tender, 1-2 minutes.
Add the rice to wok with other vegetables and stir-fry for a few minutes. Then mix in the macadamia nuts, pineapple tidbits and ⅔ of cilantro.
Add Tamari and Tabasco to rice and stir to combine. Add more Tamari and Tabasco to taste. Garnish rice with remaining ⅓ of cilantro and serve.

Fuji Apple Slaw



  • 1 head Napa cabbage shredded
  • ½ red onion jullienne
  • 2 Fuji apples jullienne
  • 1 ½ teaspoons celery seed
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • ¼ cup cider vinegar
  • 1 large shallot brunoise
  • ¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey


Mince shallot and place in a bowl with vinegar, honey, mustard, and salt.
Chop the rest of your vegetables.
When finished, slowly whisk in the olive oil to the shallots, vinegar, and mustard to emulsify. Dress the Napa cabbage and apples with the vinaigrette, then add the celery seed. Allow to marry in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before serving.
Serve with the "Apple Hill" Stuffed Pork Loin, chicken, or with any hearty flavored fish.

Asparagus Soup

Hate to throw away the asparagus ends after you've trimmed them? Turn them into soup! Asparagus ends can be a little fibrous though, so make sure you give them a good long turn in the blender.


  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1¼ lbs. asparagus
  • ½ lb. Yukon gold potatoes
  • 4 shallots, diced
  • 1 teaspoon garlic, minced
  • 2 quarts water
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 lemon, zested and juiced
  • Pinch of kosher or sea salt


Preheat a large saucepan to medium-low. Add your oil and slowly brown the minced garlic. When the edges of the garlic just start to brown, add your shallots and a pinch of salt; when the shallots turn translucent, add the water, asparagus and potatoes. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the vegetables are very tender.
Strain the mixture and place the vegetables into a blender; with the blender on, slowly add the cream to purée the mixture. Turn the heat off and whisk the mixture back into the liquid. Add the lemon juice and season to taste.
This soup can be served warm, or it is great chilled or at room temperature.

Techniques used in this recipe

"Apple Hill" Stuffed Pork Loin with Barsotti's Apple Juice Pan Jus


  • 1, 2-lb. pork loin roast
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 2 Granny Smith apples, small dice
  • 1 cup dried cherries
  • 1 cup Rum
  • 1 red onion, jullienned
  • 4 large fresh sage leaves, chiffonade
  • ¼ cup Panko breadcrumbs
  • 2 cups Barsotti's Apple Juice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon "Better than Bouillon" beef base


In a small saucepan over high heat, bring the apple juice to a boil; then lower the heat and simmer to reduce until it has a syrupy consistency. You will have about ¼ cup of liquid left. When done, turn off the heat, add the water and whisk in the beef base. Set aside to cool.
While apple juice is reducing, melt butter in a large frypan over medium-high heat. Add the onions and sauté; when the onions start to brown around the edges, turn the heat down to medium-low and caramelize, stirring frequently. When the onions are the color of milk chocolate, add the apples and the dried cherries and take off the heat; then add the Rum. Place back on the heat and cook until almost all of the Rum has boiled away. Add the breadcrumbs and sage; stir in and allow to cool.
Using your longest, sharpest knife, butterfly the pork loin by starting at the bottom of the roast and cutting lengthwise about 1/2 inch from the cutting board. Pull the roast away from your knife, opening it like a book. Repeat this process by starting at the end of your last incision, be careful not to cut all the way through the meat. You should have a relatively flat piece of meat, but if it is not you can pound it to a uniform thickness with a meat mallet.
When the apple-and-onion mixture has cooled, stuff the pork loin with the mixture, pressing it flat on the entire surface of the pork. Make sure to leave about a ½-inch border with no stuffing; otherwise when you roll it, it will come out the sides. Roll the roast into a jelly-roll shape. Tie it with butchers twine.
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Preheat a large frypan to medium-high heat.
Brown the roast in canola oil on three sides for 3-5 minutes each or until the roast is a nice golden-brown. Place on the unseared side and slide the whole pan into the oven. Roast for 35-40 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 140-145°F. Remove from the pan and allow it to rest while you complete the pan jus.
Place the pan on medium-heat and deglaze with the apple cider mixture; make sure to scrape all the brown bits off the bottom of the pan. Slice the roast and serve with a healthy portion of the jus and the Fuji Apple Slaw.

White Barbecue Sauce

In Alabama Barbecue traditional Sauce uses Mayonnaise as its base rather than tomato sauce, vinegar, or any of the other more typical barbecue sauce bases. It is clearly a region favorite. Bob Gibson of Decatur, Alabama is credited with the invention the white sauce back in 1925.
White Barbecue Sauce

Friends and family were first treated to this secret-recipe sauce on chicken and pork at weekend barbecues where boards were nailed to trees for tables. Today, this famous mayonnaise-based condiment is traditionally employed to baste chicken, seafood and pork.
White BBQ Sauce is as synonymous with the state with Alabama as the legendary “BAMA” football program. White BBQ Sauce’s intriguing flavor complements salads and is a superb baste for chicken, pork and turkey. You can also use White Sauce as an ingredient to add an extra kick to your favorite slaw or potato salad. However, because the racks of your local grocer are dominated by many incarnations of tomato-based sauces and white bbq sauce is such a regional anomaly, most people outside Alabama have not tested this concoction of flavor.
Like many barbecue sauces you want to apply this only at the very end of your grilling or smoking. It will breakdown and separate if it is heated too long. Use this sauce on chicken and turkey. It is also good on pork. Alabama White Barbecue Sauce has a tangy flavor that is a great addition to grilled foods.
White BBQ Sauce makes a unique experience. Use this recipe when grilling chicken; brush lightly over the chicken during the last few minutes of grilling. This sauce is also great for dipping; keep some sauce aside for passing at the table.
White BBQ Sauce Recipe
1 quart mayonnaise
3/4 quart apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup corn syrup
1/4 tablespoon cayenne pepper
Prepared horseradish
Lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Place all ingredients in a very large blender or food processor. Blend for 1 minute, or until thoroughly mixed and sauce is smooth. Pour sauce into a large container or bowl.

Healthy Experience

There are countless ways you can turn your grilling not only into a flavorful and enjoyable way to cook, but there are also many healthy and tasty alternatives. Like anything else in life, what you put on your grill is a choice.
Healthy Experience

Grilling healthy first means that you have decided to eat healthy. Cooking on a grill can be a great way to reduce fats on while adding wonderful flavor however we must also be careful when grilling as there can be certain risks if precautions are not taken. Eating healthy always begins with choosing healthy foods that are low in fat and using marinates to reduce unhealthy caseinogens.
We know that charcoal grilling can produce carcinogenic smoke from the high temperature cooking of foods containing fat and protein. This can produce unhealthy chemical changes in the outer layers of flesh foods. To avoid these dangerous chemical formations we must avoid inhaling the smoke and avoid the black char on the outside of charcoal cooked food caused by high heat and/or overcooking. It is also advised that any lighter fluid or self-lighting packages be avoided as they can also add toxic chemicals directly into your food. Instead, use a starter chimney and newspaper to get your charcoal lit. While this method may initially take a few more minutes, in the long run it’s faster and healthier. The use of marinades can also help greatly lower caseinogens in food. By using a marinade your food will not only take on extra flavor but even a simple marinade consisting of olive oil and a citrus juice can reduce the harmful chemicals by as much as 99%. A marinade will also assist in tenderizing and enhancing your food’s natural flavors.
There has been a lot of talk about grilling and the risk of cancer. While the risk is real and this should be kept in mind, there are some simple things you can do to greatly reduce the risk of cancer caused by grilling. The harmful chemicals that can form are created by putting food, primarily meats, under intense heat and flame. These are cancer forming agents however by taking a few simple precautions you can greatly reduce and even eliminate the risks. Grilling isn’t the only cooking method that causes these agents so there is no reason to give up on your grill. If done right, grilling is one of the healthiest methods of cooking.
To reduce the risks follow these basic tips:
• Trim excess fats from all foods. The fats are the main contributors to harmful chemicals so avoid fatty foods as much as possible.
• Using marinades based on olive oils and citrus juices with greatly help reduce the risks.
• Maintain a clean grill. This will also help reduce harmful cancer forming chemicals.
• Avoid letting your grill flare-up. Extreme heat and flame will also increase risk.
• Do not overcook foods. If you do accidentally char your food simply scrape or cut that portion off.

Perfect BBQ Ribs

Most master grillers prepare their ribs first, before cooking them on a charcoal grill. This is why some grillers cook perfect ribs every time. Usually at a BBQ event, guests see the cook placing the ribs on the grill, never knowing that work was done beforehand to get the ribs ready. Those new to grilling assume that the cook is just brushing sauce on the ribs, and then cooking them until done directly on the grill and this isn’t always so.
Perfect BBQ Ribs

If you are grilling BBQ ribs on a regular charcoal grill, then you’re probably frustrated when you find that your ribs are tough instead of “meat falling off the bones” tender. If this is the case, then you can learn how to barbeque perfect ribs easily by preparing your ribs properly in advance, before you ever place them on your grill.
To prepare your ribs, first bring a large pot of water to a boil. You should do this the day before your BBQ event or dinner. Add a bit of salt to the water, and then bring it down to a simmer. Add your ribs, cover and simmer them for 1 to 2 hours and then carefully remove them from the pot. Your ribs should be tender and juicy now, but you shouldn’t place them on the grill just yet.
Place them in a large bowl, add your BBQ sauce, cover and refrigerate this overnight. This provides ample time for the ribs to marinate in the sauce, to produce that rich BBQ flavor that everyone loves so well.
The next day, light your grill and let the coals die down to warm glowing embers. You should never BBQ your ribs over an open flame; this can burn the sauce and ruin the flavor of your BBQ ribs.
Once the flames have died down, brush some more sauce on your ribs and place them directly on the grill. Cook for 10 minutes, brush some more sauce on the top of the ribs, turn and cook the other side for 10 minutes. Continue cooking the ribs in this fashion until they are fully done, turning your BBQ ribs every 10 minutes while adding fresh sauce at every turn.
Once your ribs are done, place them on a serving platter and serve while they are still hot. Your guests will go crazy over your delicious, juicy and tender ribs. This is the proper way to cook perfect BBQ ribs. If you just throw the ribs on a grill, without preparing them first, then your ribs will be very tough and not very good no matter what type of sauce is used.
BBQ sauce is used to add flavor, not to cover up inferior cooking. Don’t you owe it to yourself and to your dinner guests to go that extra mile, ensuring that your ribs are not only tasty, but also mouth watering tender? You’ll be known as the best BBQ rib griller in your area.

Grilling Out And Cooking Outdoors

BBQ Ribs Oh So Good

Below is a recipe for delicious BBQ Ribs  
Barbecue Ribs - Competition Style in Your Backyard
by: Bill Anderson

Great barbeque recipes are hard to come by. Most recipes and books leave out important information like times and temperatures. In our book, “Competition BBQ Secrets”, we give you all the details on how to cook professional competition quality meats. And... guess what? You can do it to in your back yard. You don’t need a fancy $2000 offset smoker. Just use your Weber kettle grill!...

Prepping your grill

Just about everybody has a Weber kettle charcoal grill in their back yard. You can smoke some pretty good ribs on these things. This is one of my favorite barbeque recipes because I can use mesquite wood and Lee will not allow me to put mesquite in his expensive Lang Smoker because of the residue it leaves on the inside surfaces. Anyway... here’s how to set up your charcoal grill so that you are “offset smoking” and not grilling... I simply start it up by making two piles of charcoal briquettes on opposite sides of the grill (away from the center). Make sure your vents on the bottom of the grill are open and not clogged with ashes. I then squirt my lighter fluid on the briquettes and light them.

Start soaking your wood chips at least an hour before you will need them. I make sure the charcoal is white before I start smoking so that all the lighter fluid has burnt up and does not give your meat a lighter fluid taste. If you want to use a charcoal chimney to start your charcoal, that’s OK too - some people hate using lighter fluid. Just dump your “white” charcoal from the chimney on opposite sides of the grill when they are ready. You can place a disposable aluminum pan between your charcoal piles and fill it with about an inch of warm water or beer if you want.

Prepping your ribs

You can either buy spareribs or what is called loin back ribs. If you buy the big spareribs, cut the brisket end off the ribs at the joint. Then trim the skirt meat off. Don’t throw this away - you can cook it separately and eat it too. You also want to pull the membrane off the back side of the ribs. If you want, you can put your favorite dry rub on both sides of your ribs at this time. I prefer the more natural taste of the smoked meat with a little BBQ sauce, so I do not apply any rub or any other seasonings before smoking. That’s the great thing about barbecue recipes... you can change them up to suit your liking! Just don’t change the “technique” too much.

Let’s start smoking

When you are ready to start smoking, place your grate on the grill so that the holes near the handles are over your charcoal piles. This way, you can add charcoal as needed to maintain your heat. Some newer models have hinged grates for this purpose.

Now all you do is place your meat in the center of the grate - away from the charcoal piles. When I smoke ribs, I use a rib rack on top of the grate. Weber makes a good rib rack and you can get one at any good store that sells Weber grills. Place your trimmed pieces anywhere not directly over the coals. Throw some soaked mesquite chips directly on the charcoal and close the lid (don’t overdo the mesquite chips - mesquite imparts a strong smoke taste so a little goes a long way). Feel free to used soaked hickory, pecan, oak, apple, or any other “flavor” of wood chips that suits your taste buds. This is another way to personalize your barbeque recipes... there are all different types of woods and wood combinations that you can use. There are even unique and exotic woods like grape vine. I personally like mesquite as I feel it is the only smoke flavor that will not get covered up by your sauce. If done right, it’s not overpowering, but you can still taste that delicious smoke flavor.

Open the vents on the lid all the way and insert a thermometer through one of the vent holes. This is important! I use one of those confection/deep fry style thermometers with the clip and long stem on it. It’s important to measure the temperature as close to the meat as possible. Smoke your ribs at 230 - 240 deg F. If the temperature is too high (around 300 deg) for the first 30 minutes, don’t worry about it too much. If it gets any hotter than 300 deg then crack the lid a little to let some heat escape. When the temperature gets too low, just open the lid and toss in a few new briquettes and/or soaked wood chips. Try to stay “ahead of the game” as far as heat is concerned because it’s easier to cool down a hot smoker than it is to get it back up to temperature if your fire goes out.

Cook the ribs for 3 hours. Don’t open the lid unless absolutely necessary - remember, “if you’re looking, you ain’t cooking”. While you are adding charcoal, you can also spray the ribs with apple juice to keep them moist. After 3 hours, take your ribs off and wrap tightly in foil and return to the grill for one more hour.

Ready for glazing

After one hour in the foil, take your ribs out of the foil and place back on the grill. You’ll know your ribs are getting done when the meat is pulling away from the bone - this is a sure sign that your ribs are getting done. Maybe gently tug on one of the bones to see if it is “loose”. Also... if you pick up one end of a slab with a pair of tongs and your slab bends down 90°, then that is another sign that your ribs are getting done. Barbeque recipes are not an exact science... you have to use some common sense. If it’s cold outside, or humid, or dry your times and temps may vary. Just keep an eye on things and increase or decrease times accordingly.

After removing from the foil, apply your favorite BBQ sauce and glaze the ribs for one more hour. You can cut your BBQ Sauce with honey to make a sweet glaze if that is what you like. Apply your glaze to both sides and flip after 15 minutes and reapply glaze after each 15 minutes. After one hour of glazing, let your ribs rest for at least 15 minutes and then slice between each bone. You are now ready to sink your teeth into some of the best ribs you have ever tasted! Mouth watering, tender, and falling off the bone good!

Great Cooking Out And Grilling Information

Here you will find all kinds of recipes for cooking and grilling out. Plus you'll find all kinds of other great related recipes like Banana Pudding , Cole Slaw and etc. On this page you'll find all the information you need for a great cooking out experience.

Important Cooking Tip About Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil should never come in contact acidic fruits or vegetables such as lemons , oranges , tomatoes , grapefruits etc. One real mistake a lot of cooks make is to cover tomato paste covered meat loaf with aluminum foil and then they bake it in the oven. The top of the meat loaf comes out looking burned and is not as tasty as it should be. Try putting several toothpicks into the top of your meatloaf before wrapping it with aluminum foil and your meatloaf will come out of the oven looking pretty and will be very tasty. Of course you should use wooden toothpicks in case your wondering.

Carne Asada

Carne Asada is a Mexican recipe for marinated, grilled beef serves up in tortillas. This is not your Father's Taco. This is a flavorful and delicious meal that is great for any occasion.

Carne Asada

Carne Asada is a Mexican recipe for marinated, grilled beef serves up in tortillas. This is not your Father's Taco. This is a flavorful and delicious meal that is great for any occasion.


  • 2 pounds flank steak
  • 12 flour tortillas
  • 1/2 cup tequila
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 4 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1 medium onion chopped
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 cup salsa
  • 1 cup guacamole
  • 1 teaspoon tabasco


Mix juices, garlic, onion, tequila, tabasco and pepper in a bowl. Add meat and marinate both sides. Cover and refrigerate, turning meat over occasionally. Let sit for 4 hours or more. Preheat grill. Place a few drops of water on each tortilla, stack and wrap in aluminum foil.
Place on grill. Remove meat from marinade, reserving marinade. Place on grill. Turn steak and tortillas once during cooking. Brush steak with remaining marinade. Cook to your liking (12 to 15 minutes for medium-rare). Cut into thin slices. Place a few slices of steak on each tortilla with salsa and guacamole and serve.

Baby Back Ribs

Baby Back Ribs (Slow Cooker)

These baby back ribs might not be bathed in smoke, but they do get bathed in a lot of flavor. This slow cooked recipe will give you a great set of ribs even if you can't make it outdoors.


  • 4 pounds pork baby back ribs
  • 1/4 cup of barbecue sauce
  • 1/3 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 3/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 3/4 teaspoon white pepper
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon sugar


Trim excess fat from ribs. Combine dry ingredients and rub over the surface of the ribs. Place ribs in slow cooker or Crock-Pot standing on their edge with the meaty side out. Cook for about 8 hours. Remove ribs from slow cooker and brush with barbecue sauce.

Royal Tine Camp Cooking School

Grilled Tri-Tip Roast

Grilled Tri-Tip Roast

Tri-Tip roasts might be hard to find in some places but this is a great piece of meat with fantastic texture and flavor. Grilled low and slow, you'll get a delicious meal.


  • 4 pounds tri-tip roast
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt


Lightly oil the cooking grate on your grill. Preheat grill and prepare for indirect grilling. Combine garlic powder, onion powder, pepper and salt. Rub it over the surface of the tri-tip roast. Place tri-tip on grill, fat side up.
You can place a drip pan under it to catch the drips which will make a great gravy later. With the grill on low cook for about 4 hours or until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees.

Sam's BBQ

Jamaican Jerk Chicken

Jamaican Jerk Chicken

This Jerk Chicken is marinated to add extra flavor, unlike other recipes that simply call for a jerk rub.


  • 1 pound skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon style mustard
  • 4 cloves garlic, mined
  • 2 cubes chicken bouillon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme


Combine all ingredients except the chicken and pour into a shallow baking dish or sealable plastic bag. Add chicken and turn to coat. Cover and place in refrigerator to marinate in jerk seasoning for between 4 hours to overnight.
Preheat grill. Remove chicken from jerk marinade and pour marinade into a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Place chicken on grill cooking approximately 7 to 10 minutes per side (or until done), basting periodically with remaining jerk marinade.

Beer in the Butt Chicken

Beer in the Butt Chicken

Beer in the Butt Chicken

This is the classic beer in the butt chicken recipe, developed by a couple of guys with too many beer cans and not enough pans. This chicken is moist and flavorful. About the best way there is to cook a chicken. This recipe uses a smoker to slow roast the chicken with lots of smoky flavor.


  • 1 whole chicken
  • 1 can of beer
  • 2 tablespoons chopped onion
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 3 cloves garlic minced


Preheat smoker. Wash and trim chicken. While the smoker heats up, open the beer and drink half and only half. With a can opener, cut the top of the beer can off. Add onion, vinegar and garlic to beer. When the smoker is read place the beer in the middle of the rack.
Carefully place the chicken over the beer standing up. You might need to get a little creative to make it stand up properly. Make sure the beer can is completely covered by the chicken. Smoke for about 4 hours or until the skin is a dark tan and the meat is pink and juices run clear.
Note Walmart Now sells a wire frame to set the beer can in and the chicken fits down over it. See it above in the photo.

Looking for an easy to make, guaranteed delicious Barbecue Ribs recipe? In this Barbecue Web vid, you'll learn the "tips and tricks" on how to BBQ tender and ju

Kansas City Rib Rub

Kansas City Rib Rub

Kansas City Rib Rub

In Kansas City they know ribs. This is the barbecue rub recipe for traditional Kansas City style ribs. Finish them off with a good barbecue sauce and you'll have a great meal.


  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup paprika
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • 3/4 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 3/4 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne


Combine all ingredients together and transfer to an air tight container.

BBQ Hamburgers Recipe from the Barbecue Web Watch the Grillmasters at the Barbecue Web prepare some Beef Chuck Burgers so juicy and full of flavor that it wil

Crock-pot Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Crock-pot Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Crock-pot Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Don't have the equipment for real smoked pulled pork sandwiches? This slow cooker recipe may not be authentic but it's still pretty darn good.


  • 2 pounds cheap pork roast
  • 1 package cheap white bread buns
  • 1 8 ounce can of tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons cayenne


Put pork roast in crock-pot for a good 8 hours. Remove and let cool. Shred pork by hand removing any excess fat. Place in a large pan on low heat. Add remaining ingredients and stir until well mixed. Serve on cheap buns.

Hotdog Recipes from the Barbecue Web , See how easy it is to grill the perfect hotdog (skinless or natural casing) at your next BBQ with these easy to learn tip

BBQ Beef Ribs

BBQ Beef Ribs

BBQ Beef Ribs

This is an easy way to prepare delicious, sticky beef ribs on your grill. Remember that the secret to indirect grilling is to make sure that the food doesn't get any direct heat at all. You will need to rotate the ribs occasionally to evenly cook them.


  • 3 to 4 pounds beef back ribs (about 8 ribs)
  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 4 ounce can green chilies, diced
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard


Trim excess fat from beef ribs. Combine salt, pepper and cayenne. Rub over the ribs. Preheat grill and prepare for indirect grilling with a drip pan. Place ribs on grill over drip pan and close the lid.
Cook for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours over a low, indirect heat.
To prepare sauce combine onion, honey, ketchup, chili peppers, garlic and mustard in a sauce pan. Heat over a low temperature, stirring until even and warm. When the ribs are nearly finished begin brushing the sauce on them until you get a thick coating.

Bell-Ringing BBQ , KK's BBQ, located at the Rancho Del Rio Resort ( on the banks of the Upper Colorado River, is known for it's barbecued b

Drunken Chicken

Drunken Chicken

Drunken Chicken

This beer can chicken recipe adds crab boil to the beer making this whole chicken even more tender and flavorful.


  • 1 whole chicken fryer
  • Louisiana cajun seasoning salt or any seasoned salt
  • 1 16oz. can beer (any brand)
  • 1 ounce Zataran's crab boil
  • aluminum foil


Tear a piece of aluminum foil paper about 12" long. Fold in half and put on grill, folding edges under grill to secure in place. Remove excess fat from chicken and rinse with cool water. Pat dry. Season chicken well inside and out.
Open can of beer, take a big swallow or pour out one ounce. Add liquid crab boil to beer. Separate skin from neck area by pushing finger between skin and meat. While holding pocket created open, pour beer into pocket. Do this in several areas. A large injection needle works well for doing this. Next slide chicken over can of beer, holding beer can and chicken while gently putting on foil covered section of grill. Close grill and cook for about 45 minutes or until juices run clear and chicken is done. The internal temperature must be 165 degrees F.

How To Do Rib Eye Steaks On The Barbecue Grill , Looking for that perfect steak for your next BBQ --but afraid that you might overcook or even burn it? Don't wo

Texas Style Smoked Brisket

Texas Style Smoked Brisket

Texas Style Smoked Brisket

Traditional Texas Beef Brisket recipe that will help you get a great piece of smoked meat. This basic recipe gives you all you need to know to smoke a great brisket. From here you can learn to take your brisket to a whole new level.


  • 8-10 pound untrimmed brisket
  • 1/2 cup chili rub
  • wood chips (oak, fruit wood, hickory)


Preheat smoker and add wood chips (follow your instruction manual). Clean and dry the brisket. Apply Chili Rub ( Recipe Below ) Place brisket in smoker for 8-10 hours. Keep the smoker temperature at about 220 degrees.
To increase tenderness, take the brisket out of the smoker, wrap in aluminum foil and place in oven at 180-200 degrees for the last two hours. Typically after 8-10 hours a piece of meat will have absorbed as much smoke as it can and additional smoking may impart a bitter flavor.

Chili Wet Rub

This spicy rub can be toned down by using mild chili powder if you so wish. It can also be heated up with an extra teaspoon or two of cayenne.


  • 2 tablespoons hot chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice


Mix all ingredients together and store in the refrigerator.

Beef Chateaubriand

Beef Chateaubriand

Traditional Chateaubriand

From the time of Napoleon comes this recipe for a great meal. Chateaubriand is not a cut of beef, like many think, but a recipe for a grilled beef tenderloin.


  • 2 pounds beef tenderloin
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup watercress
  • 2 tablespoons minced parsley
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • salt and pepper


Trim beef tenderloin of unnecessary fat. The tenderloin should be about 1 inch thick, so if it's too thick, pound to flatten. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter and coat over the surface of the meat. Season with black pepper.
Preheat grill. Meanwhile melt remaining 1/2 cup of butter in a sauce pan. Add parsley, lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Pour into a small container and refrigerate. Place the tenderloin on hot grill and sear on each side for about 4 minutes. Reduce heat and continue grilling until it reaches the desired doneness. Remove from grill and slice into 1/2 inch thick slices. Serve garnished with watercresses and butter mixture (called Maitre d'hotel butter).

Béarnaise Sauce

This is a classic sauce that goes well over most grilled dishes. This is one of the most versatile sauces in the world.


  • 1 cup butter, melted and hot
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon onion, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon dry tarragon


Put onions, vinegar, tarragon and pepper in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Reduce to about 1-2 teaspoons of liquid. Stir constantly. Remove from stove and let cool. Put egg yolks and cooled mixture in a blender.
Process for about 1 minute or until completely blended. Melt butter. Turn blender to high and slowly add the butter. Start out very slow. Serve immediately. This can be a tricky sauce so go slow and watch it very carefully. The sauce will get thick as you add the butter. Do not let it cool after it is mixed because it will separate.

Banana Pudding

Banana Pudding

Home-Style Banana Pudding , Because how could you have a great BBQ Meal with out Banana Pudding

Arrange this delicious banana pudding in a glass serving bowl or individual dessert glasses.


  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 cups milk, low fat or whole
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons butter, room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • vanilla wafer cookies
  • 3 to 4 bananas, ripe but firm
  • sweetened whipped cream or whipped topping
  • banana slices for garnish
  • mint sprigs, optional


In a bowl, combine the sugar, salt, and flour; stir to blend. Slowly stir in milk until smooth. Pour into the top of a double boiler over simmering water. Cook, whisking frequently, until the mixture begins to thicken. In a small bowl, whisk the egg yolks; gradually whisk in about 1 cup of the slightly thickened hot milk mixture.
Return egg mixture to the double boiler, stir in the vanilla and butter, and continue whisking and cooking until well thickened. Remove from heat and set aside to cool slightly. In tall dessert glasses or a 2-quart serving dish, make a layer of vanilla wafers then sliced banana. Spoon some of the pudding over the banana layer then layer more vanilla wafers and banana slices, topping with more pudding. Serve with whipped cream topping. If using short dessert dishes, use only one layer each of the wafers, banana slices, and pudding, and then top with a dollop of whipped cream. Garnish each serving with a few slices of banana and a mint sprig if desired.
Serves 6 to 8.

BBQ Slaw

BBQ Slaw

BBQ Slaw

This is a great recipe for "red" slaw, which makes a perfect side dish. Try it either on the side or piled high on a pulled pork sandwich.


  • 1 head cabbage
  • 14 oz bottle Heinz ketchup
  • 3/4 cup cider vinegar
  • 1 small jar pimentos
  • 1 small jar dill pickle relish
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon salt


Grate cabbage to desired size - when grating last of cabbage add dill pickle relish & pimento and grate mix all other ingredients together, then mix them together will grated cabbage/relish/pimento after mixing all together refrigerate slaw at least overnight.

South Carolina Cole Slaw

This is a great cole slaw for topping off pulled pork sandwiches. You get a relatively dry slaw from this recipe so that it holds to the sandwich better. It is also mild enough not to overpower the smoked pork.


  • 1 large head cabbage, chopped finely
  • 1 red bell pepper, sliced into thin strips
  • 1 sweet onion, chopped finely
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons dry mustard
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper


Combine sugar, vinegar, oil, mustard, salt and pepper in a saucepan over a low heat. Stir until sugar disolves. Place vegetables in a serving dish and toss. Pour dressing over and toss until evenly coated.
Cover and refrigerate until cold.

"Обед в условиях кризиса..."

Ну ладно,торты пирогами,но ведь и я не Мария-Антуанетта...с ее xлебом и пирожными...наверное поетому и голова пока на месте...:)) А так как она(голова) еше..и с ушами...,то сегодня мы будем ...вешать лапшу на... :))) А еше более доxодчиво...
Моя мама любила повторять,что у хорошей хозяйки из одной курицы может получиться настояший обед..из нескольких блюд:суп,салат и компот основное блюдо..и ето понятно...родители наши(да и мы..с ними) жили в те времена,когда из продуктов в магазине было "макароны и...еше раз макароны"(наверное хотели сделать из нас итальянцев, забывая,что советского человека...ничем испортить нельзя:)))..А если вам в советском "Гастрономе доставалась"синяя птица",т.б курица...,то вы себя считали везунчиком словившим "птицу счастья" завтрашнего дня обеда..Сегодня ,при присутствии большого выбора продуктов в магазине,но так же при наличии международного кризиса...ето блюдо вполне может называться "Пир во время чумы" "Обед в кризисные времена",потому что для того чтобы его приготовить сначала надо сварить бульон с курицей(бульона получится много,поетому часть можно заморозить...до следушего супа или для приправ к другим блюдам...) Из бульона можно сварить чудесный супчик(тут на ваше усмотрение),а из курицы приготовить блюдо под названием:

"Курица в восточном стиле с яичной лапшой "

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Хачапури быстрые

Этот рецепт я, уже, в своем журнале описывала,но..но почему хорошее не должно повториться?Почему,я вас спрашиваю..?Вот то-то и оно,ведь все помнят,что "повторение -мать хорошего аппетита ученuя",да и когда холодно..хочется чего-нибудь погорячее..чем 1 листик салата помноженный на еше один..листик салата:))) Поетому сегодня у нас на ужин или на завтрак..кому как больше нравится..главное,что очень вкусное и несложное в приготовлении блюдо:

Хачапури быстрые

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"Клубничный тарт с кремом из белого шоколада"

Сегодня я не буду долго "ля-ля -фа",т.б разбрасываться словами..Я сегодня "сурьёзно" настроена...Скажу только ...если у вас есть клубника,то...не теряйте время зря-на кухню "вперед и с песней"..Ну а если у вас клубника появится только через несколько месяцев...то занесите етот рецепт в "память"(и не только свою:)))),потому что...ето не просто изыскано и вкусно,ето вкусно до неприличия:)))
"Клубничный тарт с кремом из белого шоколада"

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Печенье "Пальмовые листья"

Не знаю,как так получилось,но ето печенье у моего мужа самое любимое...Он даже научился его печь сам.....Теперь он умеет делать 3 блюда:яичницу,утренние хлопья с молоком:))) и ето печенье.Так что можете себе представить о каком уровне сложности выпечки идет речь...
Ага..правильно догадались-ето уровень доисторический даже дочайниковый,с которым справится даже муж..не говоря уже о ребенке:)))Ето печенье еше одна "палочка-выручалочка: для будних дней..или для гостей,которые неожиданно и,именно, в тот день,когда вы разморозили слоеное тесто.."нарисовались у вас на пороге(уверена..им кто-то "настучал" о том,что вы собираетесь печь :)))
Ето печенье,как и само слоеное тесто пришло к нам из Франции..а там знают толк в еде:)Итак:

Печенье "Пальмовые листья"

Почему тaк называется...да потому что после выпечки оно где-то и кому-то напоминает пальмовые листья..Значит будем себе их и представлять:)))

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Beef Bourguignonne

Холодает у нас. Поэтому салатами одними не проживешь. Хотелось чего то горячего, сытного! Давно уже собиралась приготовить какое то рагу, но как то едоков все не хватало, а ведь на 1-2х человек его не приготовишь, больше мороки. А тут пригласили друзей на ужин, вот я и решилась. Чесно говоря переживала, не знала получится ли или нет, боялась что мясо будет жестким или не вкусным. Ошибалась! все получилось на ура! Превзошло все мои ожидания! Оказалось еще ко всему же это не так то и сложно готовить! вот теперь по такой схеме буду и другие рагу готовить... с другими добавками.
Но тут поговорим о классике. О не произносимом для не французскоговорящих людей

Beef Bourguignonne

(эт говядина по бургундски что ли?)

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Вареники с редькой

Спасибо [info]queenofswords4 за идею вареников с редькой. Что вам сказать? Это таааааак вкусно!

Ну тесто уже все умеют делать. Для начинки редьку (горькую, черную) натереть на терке посыпать сыром, полить майонезом и запечь до красивой корочки, обжарить на растительном масле (как капусту). Ну в общем то и все. Посолить поперчить. Можно добавить лук, можно не добавлять. Редька, как оказалось, впитывает в себя много масла, поэтому с ним поосторожнее, даже если будет казаться что масла не хватает, лучше не добавлять, просто почаще помешивать.
Я сделала половину просто с редькой, половину с редькой и картошкой.
В общем у меня теперь есть еще одна любимая начинка. и совсем она не вишневая :)