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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It Takes All Sorts Of Macarons To Make The World Go Round


Peanut Butter & Jelly Macarons

I love, like, enjoy, many people and many things in this life but if there is one thing that I live for on the weekends is when B. comes home from playing music and we sit on the bed and geek out for hours about all sorts of topics. Photography, films, history, and often times, food. Before we know, it's three o'clock in the morning (not his bedtime at all) and we go to sleep with growling stomachs and visions of sugar plums. Especially when we geek out about macarons. Especially when they are Peanut Butter and Jelly, Lemon Meringue Pie and Banana Caramel Macarons.

We were recently putting together a care package for a friend in town and we started brainstorming about what to include. Macarons, are always first on the list for some reason, eheh! I was looking for flavors I had not done before and he was looking to recreate some of his favorites. In the end, our friend S. received 2/3 of the Daring Bakers challenge delivered right to her front steps. From the look on her face, I knew I'd be repeating these flavors over again.

Bill's go-to breakfast is a bagel with peanut butter and jelly and turning this into a macaron was very easy. I used half almond and half peanuts for the shells and filled those with a teaspoon each of peanut butter and homemade raspberry jelly.
Lemon Meringue Pie Macarons

One of my favorite desserts is lemon meringue pie and after coniving on the best way to make this into a macaron, I finally settled on keeping the shells all almonds and adding the zest of one lemon to the batter. I filled the insides with homemade lemon curd and a teaspoon of freshly made Swiss meringue.

One of my husband'd favorite snacks when he comes home from playing music is to cut up a banana and drizzle it with Salidou, the homemade salted butter caramel sauce that I always keep handy in the fridge. For the macarons I simply mashed a whole banana and mixed it with the leftover from the
Taffy Apples I posted yesterday. Once cooled and naturally thickened a bit, it was easy to pipe on the macarons shells and sandwich them.

I've known about this month challenge since this summer when Amy emailed with concerns about doing macarons for the Daring Bakers. We covered all types of questions from aging the egg whites, drying the macs before baking to food coloring and how to best incorporate flavors. I volunteered a phone macaron making session and guided her over the phone while she baked my
tried and true recipe. In the end she felt most comfortable with the version she knew best, Claudia Flemming's, which brought on my most common comment about macarons: if you find a recipe that works for you, stick to it, no matter whose it is, especially if you are new to macarons and don't make them that often.
Banana Caramel Macarons

Amy, thank you for the fun phone macaron making session and it was a pleasure helping out with some of your questions!

I'm glad I tried a new recipe for macarons and did not have any problems with it, probably because I've been making them for 15 years so I know what to expect. I will however stick to the recipe I use all the time, for no other reason that it is engrained in my DNA right now!

The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by
Ami S. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.


Macarons, from Claudia Flemming' The Last Course: The Desserts Of Gramercy Tavern.

Confectioners’ (Icing) sugar: 2 ¼ cups (225 g, 8 oz.)
Almond flour: 2 cups (190 g, 6.7 oz.)
Granulated sugar: 2 tablespoons (25 g , .88 oz.)
Egg whites: 5 (Have at room temperature)

Preheat the oven to 200°F (93°C). Combine the confectioners’ sugar and almond flour in a medium bowl. If grinding your own nuts, combine nuts and a cup of confectioners’ sugar in the bowl of a food processor and grind until nuts are very fine and powdery.
Beat the egg whites in the clean dry bowl of a stand mixer until they hold soft peaks. Slowly add the granulated sugar and beat until the mixture holds stiff peaks.
Sift a third of the almond flour mixture into the meringue and fold gently to combine. If you are planning on adding zest or other flavorings to the batter, now is the time. Sift in the remaining almond flour in two batches. Be gentle! Don’t overfold, but fully incorporate your ingredients.
Spoon the mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a plain half-inch tip (Ateco #806). You can also use a Ziploc bag with a corner cut off. It’s easiest to fill your bag if you stand it up in a tall glass and fold the top down before spooning in the batter.
Pipe one-inch-sized (2.5 cm) mounds of batter onto baking sheets lined with nonstick liners (or parchment paper).
Bake the macaroon for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and raise the temperature to 375°F (190°C). Once the oven is up to temperature, put the pans back in the oven and bake for an additional 7 to 8 minutes, or lightly colored.
Cool on a rack before filling.

For the PB&J Macarons:- Replace half the amount of almonds with finely ground unsalted roasted peanuts.
- Once cooled, fill the shells with a dollop of peanut butter (either smooth or crunchy) and jam.

For the Lemon Meringue Macarons:
- Fill the shells with a teaspoon or so of freshly made
lemon curd
- Add a teaspoon or so of Swiss meringue. (I made half the recipe)

For the Caramel Banana Macarons:
- Mixed one smashed banana with half the quantity of toffee sauce I made for the dipped



У меня всего четыре приложения к журналу ВОГ... приложения эти, разумеется, кулинарные, называются GOURMET...(кто бы сомневался). Почему-то с 2005 г я не видела больше этих приложений ни к одному выпуску ВОГ, а жаль... Так вот, в декабрьском выпуске за 2004г есть много рецептов печенья и это самое - самое (чесс слово!)

Текст сохраняю почти полностью, так как слова автора - это отделная пестня... приступаем:

-2 стакана засахаренной клюквы (первый раз у меня была свежая - имхо вкуснее)
-1/3 стакана апельсинового сока
-2 стакана муки
-1 ч л молотой корицы
-1 ч л разрыхлителя
-3/4 ч л молотого имбиря
-1/4 ч л соды
-1 стакан сливочного масла комнатной температуры (у меня было 200г)
- 1 стакан коричневого сахара
-1 крупное яйцо
-1 ст л натёртого свежего имбиря
-1,5 натёртой апельсиновой цедры (это полтора апельсина)- 1,5 стакана рубленых грецких орехов
-1/2 стакана слегка измельчённой свежей или замороженной клюквы
""Все сладости в этом рецепте наверчены вокруг кислой клюквы, так что в финале выходит нечто крайне опасное: прежде, чем спохватиться, вы можете уничтожить половину.Но для начала придётся взять засахаренную клюкву и оставитьеё на полчаса отмокать в апельсиновом соке, изредка помешивая (если у вас будет свежая клюква, смешайте её с сахарной пудрой) . В перерыве между перемешиваниями соедините муку с корицей, разрыхлителем, молотым имбирём, содой и щепоткой соли, а духовку разогрейте до 180 градусов. Из масла и сахара сотворите однородную субстанцию при помощи миксера, разнообразьте её яйцом, имбирём, ванильным экстрактом и цедрой и довзбивайте до однородности. Теперь объедините смесь с остальными ингридиентами -свежей клюквой, засахаренной клюквой и орехами - и выложите на противень (застелив тот бумагой) на расстоянии 3см друг от друга. В духовке держите 18-20 мин, пока шарики не зарумянятся, а потом дайте им остыть на противне 5 минут"



Продолжаем разговор...(как сказал бы друг всех Малышей - Карлсон)... Я не люблю монотонную работу, но тут как-то хватило терпения и я выпекла 220 кружочков, в результате у меня получилось 110 штучек НЕАПОЛИТАНСКОГО ПЕЧЕНЬЯ

-250г мягкого сливочного масла
-250г сахара
-1 пакетик ванильного сахара
-3 некрупных яйца (примерно по 40г каждое)
-300г муки
-60г какао
-2 ст.л. желе из красной смородины
-шоколадная глазурь

-масло растереть с сахаром, добавить ванильный сахар и яйца, перемешать.
-на массу просеять муку и какао, хорошенько вымесить, скатать в шар, завернуть в плёнку и положить на 30мин в холодильник.
-тесто раскатать в пласт толщиной 5мм и вырезать кружочки размером с 5-ти копеечную монету (я вырезала рюмашкой)
-выпекать 15 мин при температуре160 градусов.(противень предварительно выложить бумагой для выпечки)
-в смородиновое желе добавить ложку сахара, довести до кипения, намазать печенье и соединить попарно.
-сверху печенье покрыть щоколадной глазурью.

Bridal Shower Recipes, Part II~ Desserts

Bridal Shower Recipes, Part II~ Desserts

View Recipe
April Showers Bring May ... Brides: Part I

April Showers may bring May flowers, but not at StoneGable. April Showers brought a bride-to -be to our home for a surprise bridal shower. It might have been a showery day but inside it was all sunshine and best wishes for our blushing bride!

My daughter is the matron of honor ( how can one so young be called a matron?) and I had the honor of helping to plan, execute and host this blissful event.

We wanted the shower to have a "whimsical", "vintage" and "organic" feel. Lots of natural elements. A sort of Anthropology meets StoneGable.

The theme for the party was "lovebirds".

Using things around the house was a must to keep us within budget. So we gathered birdhouses, nests, twigs, sticks, moss and any other organic thing we could find. The colors were soft and cool. Spring greens, soft blues and delicate aquas. Whites and hues of brown give interest. And every now and then a pop of yellow, just for fun.

The bridal shower tablescapes will be posted in two installments. This week will feature the luncheon table. Next week the dessert table.

The dining room table was set with a savory luncheon. We used the table in the kitchen for desserts and a table in the foyer for drinks. I really like to station the food and drink at a party to get people moving around and using different parts of my home.

The chandelier is decorated with branches of curly willow to give a tree like effect. A little bird nest is tucked in the branches.

A tall birdhouse with a newly painted roof, anchors one end of the table. At it's base, paper plates and napkins are displayed inside a long birch basket along with a sweet nest and some filler. A clear creamer filled with whimsical daisies and little white bird salt and pepper shakers are a cheery welcome to the table.

Untensils are gathered up in whitewashed terracota pots with saucers. Moss is placed in the saucers for an earthy touch.

Near the opposite end of the table a little worn birdhouse is placed on a burlap runner near the finger sandwiches.

A wire cloche filled with small eggs and twiggy balls, a rustic nest and larger twig balls make an interesting grouping of natural elements next to the birdhouse.

One of the brides favorite flowers are daisies. They are incorporated into the theme in different shaped vases.

In the center of the table a profusion of daisies fill a large ruffled edge vase. Aqua glass pebbles at the bottom of the vase continue the color scheme.

More daisies!

Little eggs are used to tell our guests about each dish.

The tablescape is the supporting actor for the main star... the food. Finger sandwiches, a thing of the refined past, are making a big comeback! And they were certainly a hit at the shower.

We served four different varieties grouped together on tiered pedestals.

Chicken Salad with Cranberries and Toasted Pecans on Wheat

Triple decker Egg Salad with Cream Cheese and Zucchini Relish on White

Pimento Cheese Spread on White Topped With Chives

Turkey and Cheddar with Poppyseed Mayo on RyeTopped With a Granny Smith Apple Sliver and Balsamic Reduction

Across the table are my very favorite tea sandwiches sitting on a wreath made from eggs.
Ham on Mini Orange Poppyseed Muffins With A Honey Mustard Butter Beehive

Other dishes included:

Salmon Mousse With Assorted Crackers (I used to dress the salmon with cucumbers to look like gills, carrots for fins etc, but no one ever ate it!)

Artichoke Parmesan Dip With Homemade Herbs de Provence Pita Chips

Caprese Picks

Bleu Cheese and Bacon Potato Salad

Arugula Salad With Pine Nut And Shaved Parmesan In A Lemon Vinaigrette

There is something so wonderful about a bridal shower! It is a girl thing! We come together as a community of women, young and old, to offer our prayers and well wishes and share in a bride's great joy! It is a time of laughter and love and holding eachother dear!

It is my hope that this table inspires you to use what you have in creative ways to bless and bring beauty to those who come through your door!

Next weeks Tablescape will be the Bridal Shower Dessert Table... and here is just a little peek...

Bridal Showers Recipes, Part I


Thank you everyone, for your interest, kind comments and positive e-mails about the recent Lovebirds Bridal Shower hosted here at StoneGable. It was so much fun to live it again through these recent posts!

One question I heard over and over was, "Are you going to post the recipes?" My answer, "Of course"! I'm all about sharing.

Due to the numbers of recipes, I will share them in three parts. One for the savory food, one for the tea sandwiches and drinks, and one pansy cookie tutorial. I hope you try some of these recipes when you entertain.

Savory Recipes

Salmon Mousse

StoneGable Salmon Mousse
1 1/2 lbs freshly cooked or canned salmon, flaked
1/2 cup green onions, diced finely
1/2 cup green pepper, diced finely
3 TBS chopped fresh dill
1 TBS chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup mayonaise (full fat)
1/2 cup sour cream (full fat)
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 8oz. package cream cheese (full fat)
1 can tomato soup
dash Tabasco or hot sauce
1/2 cup cold water
1 envelope unflavored, unsweetened gelatin

In a bowl mix salmon, green onions, green peper, onion, dill, parsley, mayo, sour cream and lemon juice.

In a saucepan over meduim heat combine cream cheese and tomato soup. Melt and stir until incorporated together. Add to bowl with salmon and mix.

In another small saucepan, add COLD water and gelatin. Heat over low heat, stirring until gelatin completely disolves in the water. DO NOT BOIL. When gelatin has disolved, pour into salmon mixture and stir until completely incorporated.

Cover the inside of fish mold liberally with cooking spray. If you do not have a fish mold you can use any other mold or divide mousse between a couple of medium size bowls. I have individual fish molds and have made molded individual servings for an appetizer course.

Pour mousse in mold and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours. This can be done a day or 2 before.

To unmold, put the bottom of mold in a pan of very hot water for just a couple of seconds and run a knife around the edges of the mold. Put a large platter on top of the mold and invert.

Decorate the mold with thinly sliced cucumbers to resemble scales, matchbox carrot sticks fanned across the fins and tail and a black olive slice for an eye.
I do not decorate mine anymore, because I have found that no one will eat it once it has been decorated.

Serve salmon mousse with crackers. It is also delicious with veggies. Or serve as a pate with toast points.

Bleu Cheese and Bacon Potato Salad

I make potato salads by the "taste and feel" method. I taste it for the ballance of flavors and when it feels right... it is! So these are just good guesses as far as amounts. It is not rocket science so just taste and feel your way through this recipe. I doubled this recipe for the shower.

Bleu Cheese and Bacon Potato Salad
5 lbs red and white new potaoes, skins scrubbed
1 lb cooked bacon, crumbled
4 green onions, white and green finely chopped
2-3 ribs celery, finely diced
1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
3 TBS fresh dill, finely chopped
4-6 oz. good bleu cheese, crumbled

2 cups mayonaise
4-8 TBS spicy brown mustard
4 TBS cider vinegar

Put potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Cook potatoes over a medium high heat until fork tender. Drain water and cool potaotes. Cube potatoes, leaving skin on.

In a very large bowl, add potatoes, bacon, onions, celery, parsley, dill and bleu cheese.

In another bowl add all the dressing ingredients together. Add dressing to potatoes until creamy but not overdresssed. Refrigerate. Can be made up to 2 days ahead.

When serving, garnish with chopped green onions and crumbled bacon

Artichoke Parmesan Dip with Pita Chips

Artichoke Parmesan Dip With Pita Chips
2 jars (small) marinaded artichoke hearts, drained and chopped finely
1 cup mayonaise (full fat)
1 cup parmesan cheese, freshly grated
1 pressed garlic clove
dash of hot sauce

I doubled this recipe and there was only a tiny bit left. Everyone loves this savory treat.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Put dip in an oven proof bowl and bake for 30 minutes. Serve hot with pita chips.

Pita Chips
2 bags pita bread
olive oil
herbs de provence (or any herbs or garlic for seasoning)
sea salt

Cut each pita round in two. Cut each half into thirds. Separate each wedge into a single layer. You will have 12 single layer pita wedges for each round.

Put rounds in a single layer on a parchment rimmed baking sheet. Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs de provence and sea salt.

Bake in a 350 degree oven until golden and crisp, about 15 minutes.

Orange Poppyseed Muffin with Ham and Honey Mustard Beehive Butter

Orange Poppyseed Muffins with Ham and Honey Mustard Beehive Butter
I could not find my Orange Poppyseed Muffin recipe so I used one from It worked just fine.
Click HERE for recipe.

Cool muffins and slice horizontally. Spread a thin layer of poppyseed mayonaise (1/2 mayo + 1/2 poppyseed dressing) on muffin bottom. Add a generous piece of ham. I like to use a sprial ham, but we used a good quality deli ham to keep within the budget.

Honey Mustard Beehive Butter
This is one that you just have to taste to see if you like the taste and consistancy.
1 lb butter, room temperature.
2-3 TBS honey
2-3 TBS good dijon mustard

Mix and adjust taste with honey or mustard. Line a small deep bowl with plastic wrap and press butter into bowl and cover with plastic wrap . Refrigerate. This an be done well ahead.

To serve, invert bowl and remove plastic wrap. Put butter in the center of a platter. Run the tines of a fork around the butter, to simulate the lines on a beehive. If desired add a little faux bee on the beehive. Place muffin sandwiches around beehive butter. Serve with a decorative knife. Guests are to cut off a slice of butter and put it on their sandwiches.

Caprese Picks

Caprese Picks
2 boxes grape tomatoes
1 large container marinated fresh mozzarella balls
fresh basil

Thread a grape tomato, mozzarella ball and another grape tomato on a small skewer.
Arrange in a bowl and garnish with fresh basil.

Next week: Tea Sandwiches!