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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Бублики с маком

Если бы Вы знали, как мы соскучились по бубликам... sad
Но... нет ничего невозможного - хочется бубликов, значит надо испечь. Wink girl_claping
Готовятся бублики совсем не сложно. girl_claping
Рецепт с kukingа. Wink

400 г муки
5-7 г сухих дрожжей
225 мл молока + ещё 2 ст.л.
25-50 г сахара (на Ваш вкус)
50 г сливочного масла
щепотка соли
1 яйцо

1. Молоко (225 мл) сильно нагреть, влить в миску, добавить сахар и сливочное масло. Хорошо перемешать и немного остудить. Добавить дрожжи и поставить в тёплое место до появления пены.
2. Яйцо разделить на белок и желток. Добавить к опаре муку, белок и соль. Хорошо вымешать тесто, затем выложить его на поверхность хорошо посыпанную мукой и месить минут 5. Тесто должно получится мягким и эластичным. Положить тесто в миску, прикрыть полотенцем или пищевой плёнкой и оставить на час подходить.
3. Подошедшее тесто выложить на стол, обмять его и разрезать на шестнадцать частей.
4. Каждую часть раскатать в жгутик, свернуть его колечком и залепить кончики.
5. Противень смазать маслом, застелить бумагой и выкладывать на него бублики. Дать бубликам расстояться 10 мин.
6. В большой кастрюле вскипятить воду, убавить огонь на средний и опускать по несколько бубликов в воду (бублики не должны касаться друг друга) на 30-40 секунд. Вытащить бублики щумовкой и вернуть обратно на противень.
7. Желток взбить с 2-мя ст.л. молока и смазать бублики. Сверху посыпать маком. Выпекать в предварительно разогретой до 200 С минут 20.

Приятного аппетита! Rose

Literature & Cookies: Madeleines


A madeleine is a delicate, scallop-shaped French tea cake often served with fruit or sherbet. In its preparation, flour, eggs, and sugar are beaten with a large proportion of butter, incorporating as much air as possible; then grated lemon rind and vanilla extract, and sometimes rum, are added. After baking in the customary 12-shell tin, the pastry is served plain or dusted with confectioner’s sugar.
The origins of the madeleine are disputed, but it was brought to its acme, and thence to broad fame, in the 18th century by the pastry chefs of Commercy and Liverdun, two communes of the Lorraine region in northeastern France.

The French author Marcel Proust immortalized the madeleine in his cycle novel Remembrance of Things Past, in which a taste of the cake is said to have evoked the surge of memory and nostalgia. Madeleines are perhaps most famous outside France for their association with involuntary memory in the Marcel Proust novel À la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past in the first translation, more recently translated as In Search of Lost Time), in which the narrator experiences an awakening upon tasting a madeleine dipped in tea:

She sent out for one of those short, plump little cakes called petites madeleines, which look as though they had been moulded in the fluted scallop of a pilgrim's shell. And soon, mechanically, weary after a dull day with the prospect of a depressing morrow, I raised to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had soaked a morsel of the cake. No sooner had the warm liquid, and the crumbs with it, touched my palate than a shudder ran through my whole body, and I stopped, intent upon the extraordinary changes that were taking place…at once the vicissitudes of life had become indifferent to me, its disasters innocuous, its brevity illusory…

— Remembrance of Things Past, Volume 1: Swann's Way

Did you know?

Some sources say madeleines may have been named for a 19th century pastry cook, Madeleine Paulmier, but other sources have it that Madeleine Paulmier was a cook in the 18th century for Stanisław Leszczyński, whose son-in-law, Louis XV of France, named them for her.

Food & Cooking: Easter Dinner


Easter festival calls for the preparation of special Easter dinner recipes. But Easter dinner is not just about yummy dishes for Easter, but it's about the entire atmosphere, that sets the mood for people to celebrate an Easter dinner party. In fact, it comprises everything from music to decorations to food and drinks etc.

Here are some dinner ideas for Easter:

* Give your house a new look, giving a warm welcome to the Easter spring season. Tinsel your house with articles that reflect the beauty of nature.
* Set the table beautifully. Table decorations form major part of house embellishments. Give your centre table a colourful look. In the heart of the table, place an Easter basket and stock it with gorgeous fresh lilies. Shop for some exquisite eggshell ornaments and keep them at different corners to adorn your sweet home.
* Dance on the tune of some nice famous Easter songs.
* Easter lamb recipe finds a special place for itself on the Easter festivity.
* For appetizers, there can be nothing better than hot cross buns. This recipe is exclusively prepared during the Easter week. In the catalogue of Easter appetizers, there are multiple options like Pineapple Salsa, Spiral-Sliced Ham, Cornbread Muffins, and Dilled Potato Salad etc.
Special dishes for the Easter dinner include Assorted Rolls with Butter, Cheesecake with Sliced Strawberries, Smoked Ham with Cranberry Chutney and Dilled Peas and Potatoes Vinaigrette, etc.
When it is the time for Easter dinner party, Easter chocolate bunny cookies cannot be forgotten.

Easter Dinner Recipes
When the spring season heads its way, celebration time begins. The celebration is not just dedicated to the refreshing springtime, but also to the Easter festival, that is enjoyed by people to honour Jesus' return to life. There are many symbols associated with the Easter time like Easter eggs, bunny rabbits, lamb, etc.
Easter, being one of the most important holidays of Christians, invites for special party. Many days before Easter arrives, women start surfing the net and magazines to check out the dinner recipes for Easter.

Here is a list of some mouthwatering Easter dinner recipes:

Honey garlic meatballs
Baked smoked ham
Spring salad
Stuffed Easter lamb
Rosemary Garlic Buttered Potatoes
Simple Baby Asparagus
Minted Baby Carrots
Blueberry Muffins
Apple Glazed Sausage and Bacon
Honeydew Salad Wedges

holiday tables; vintage rustic

Love this absolutely gorgeous table created by Karen of Sunday Suppers. She makes simple look so glamorous!
To create this table, Karen used a wood plank as the runner, cala lilies, lambs ears, feathers, kale and vintage teapots and pitchers. I love the simplicity and rustic look of it all.

tabletop; easter + spring inspired

Hello dears.
A few more spring + easter tabletop ideas…..
Absolutely love this first one….one of the best things about spring/summer… parties.
love the pink ans the mismatched chairs.. details? an interior table that feels just as cozy outdoors and the tent placecards.

details: the button string garland, it adds festive touch

I cant wait to have a dining room like this sun-drenched room below.
And the table setting is sooo purty, no?
details: lovely pinks. and those industrial pendant lights are so chic.
i planted rananculus and snapdragons in my garden and cant wait for them to bloom soon.

weddings are a great source for tabletop inspiration..

details: place setting, isnt it lovely?

It’s a beautiful spring morning and we are off to see the cherry blossoms with my mother in law. See you later. xo