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Monday, April 18, 2011

Budget Cooking Tips and Recipes


Let’s face it: the economy is not in good shape. With the financial crisis on Wall Street, rising food costs and fluctuating gas prices, we’re not in the midst of the most lucrative times. Making ends meet can be very stressful but we can all get through this with a little help and a little organization. First and foremost, we have to cut back on our spending and one of the best places to start is in the kitchen.
Money-Saving Tips and Recipes after the jump!
Budget Cooking Tips
The following tips will hopefully help you save money on food and recipe costs:
Make a Grocery List
Before you step foot in the grocery, make a list based on your budget. Sit down on Sundays and figure out what you will be cooking for the week.. Keep an eye on grocery deals, sales and coupons when planning your meals. It’s generally better to go to the grocery more often and purchase less food as not to let food spoil and go to waste before you can eat it.
Compare Prices
Take note of the different prices of the products you usually buy at different stores to see who has the best price. Check out stores that will match prices too. That way if you notice a better price at a different store, you can still get that price at the store you’re already at.
Buy Seasonal Produce
The price of produce varies greatly from season to season, so keep an eye on the growing season and select recipes accordingly. Go to farmer’s markets, especially at the end of the day when farmers are trying to clear out their stock. You can buy slightly damaged produce (usually with some completely safe bruising) at a reduced cost.
Ditch Brand Loyalty
Often times the generic brand will be the same as your brand item product. Try out the generic to see if you notice a difference, this will almost always save you money. If you notice a difference, switch back but in the meantime, it saved you money to try.
Buy in Bulk
When you find a good price on non-perishable goods, stock up (unless you don’t have the storage space). Rice, pasta, dried beans, cereal, instant coffee and other items will save you money when bought in bulk. (Note: Dried beans are much more cost effective than the canned variety. Think about the price per serving to keep things in perspective.
Reduce Your Waste
In addition to grocery shopping more frequently, you can reduce waste in your own home in a couple of ways. Keep an eye on recipe yield and adjust to fewer eaters. Practice simple portion control when serving food (this will also help you not to overeat), and favor smaller portions. Freeze any leftovers in meal-sized portions for future lunches or dinners. Also, get comfortable with recycling leftovers into casseroles, wraps, and other dishes.
Freeze Your Food
Freezing food is one of the best ways to save money when it comes to the kitchen. But if you’re just throwing leftovers in the freezer, you’ve got a lot to learn. Our users showed us that there are tons of time-saving tricks and easy tips for freezing and storing food the effective way.
Budget Cooking Recipes

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