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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter Basket Ideas

 1. Glittered Floral Egg Basket
Being blue has never felt so good. Especially since little presents, such as a vintage bluebird, are tucked inside these shimmering egg boxes.
 2.Golden Easter Basket
Create an Easter basket display that resembles a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Metallic eggs, covered in varying shades of gold leaf sheets, were set atop a bed of spray-painted hay in a sponge-painted basket. For an elegant finishing touch, tie metallic vintage-ribbon bows on either side of the basket.

 3.Flowered Easter Basket
Dress up a woven basket with silk flowers and leaves, and pare down buds to create a variety of sizes.
 4.Chocolate Bunnies and Pansies Basket 
When you're in the room with this extravagant brown basket, every fragrant breath is like a moment in a chocolate shop.
 5.Tulip Egg Basket
A tulip egg basket is the perfect addition to a spring table. When closed, the flowers evoke eggs.
 6.Metallic Polka-Dotted Eggs
This dramatic scene, featuring polka-dotted and beribboned shiny blown-out eggs, sets a new silver standard for Easter.
 7.Daffodils and Pom-Pom Chicks Basket
Set inside a rustic boat-shaped birch basket, this cheerful yellow hilltop vista is a breath of fresh air.
 8.Clover and Eggs Basket
This fanciful green meadow vignette seems a fitting home for a chocolate bunny.
 9.Spring Bulb Arrangement
A spring bulb arrangement is a beautiful way to make the season come alive indoors.

 From Martha Stewart.

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