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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Little Owl's Meatball Sliders

In the September 2007 issue of Bon Appetit they have a section devoted to Small Restaurants, Big Ideas. One of the first recipes they feature is the Meatball Sliders from the Little Owl in the West Village. You can find the recipe here on Epicurious’ website.
I first learned about Chef Joey Campanaro via the NYC foodie blogs like Gothamist, Eater and Grub Street and even saw him participate in a food network special, which he won, dealing with turkey for an "alternative" take on Thanksgiving.
His restaurant, The Little Owl, is a huge hit in NYC.
This recipe seemed pretty straight forward and easy, so I decided to make it for one of our Sunday evening dinners. Instead of the arugula it calls for, I substituted baby spinach lightly dressed with a little olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. I followed the rest of the recipe exactly as described except of course for the onions in the sauce. I also ran out of fresh parsley for the meatballs this time around.
What I really like about this recipe, aside from the fact that it is pretty easy to make, is the addition of fennel seeds to the tomato sauce,. It really adds a different layer of flavor to the sauce. If I were to make any changes to this I would probably rub a freshly cut garlic clove over the cut rolls after bringing them out from the broiler. BTW the rolls are just some basic yeasty dinner rolls I bought at Wal- Mart, very tasty surprisingly.I would have to say that this recipe is a must add to anyone’s collection. It could be an appetizer, a hearty meal or a perfect tailgating dish for a late October, early November LSU football game.
Oh and if anyone has noticed the quality of the pictures improving, I’l have to credit some killer tips from Matt over at Matt Bites and my lovely wife Ann whose hobby is photography as well.

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