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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Forget the stuffed teddy bears and flowers this year. The perfect gift and dinner for valentines day would be to make sushi! Surprise you better half with a home made sushi dinner at home with a Valentine Roll. What’s so special about the Valentine Roll is that it’s shaped into hearts with Tuna as the borders. You’ll have big red sushi hearts instead of the generic red foil wrapped chocolate. Your bf, gf, husband, wife, family, and or friends will enjoy looking at and eating this roll for valentines day. Be thoughtful this year. Since we’re in a recession, don’t blow your money on things that won’t be appreciated! Rather make something nice for one another or make it together and make it a fun learning experience. Girls.. tell your girlfriends you made a sushi valentines day dinner and they will be jealous. Fellas…when your girlfriend makes her girlfriends jealous..believe me when i say be in for a good surprise. Happy Valentines Day!
Sushi Video : How to make a Valentine Roll recipe

Sushi Tools:
  • Rolling Mat
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
Sushi Ingredients:
  • Sushi Rice
  • 1/2 Sheet Nori
  • 5 Nigiri Slices of Tuna (~ 3 x 1.25 in.)
  • 2 crab stick
  • 1/2 tsp of tobikko
  • 1/2 cup of tempura flakes
  • 1 tsp of mayo
  • 2 slices of avcado
  • Lettuce and carrot julienne for Garnish
Lets Start!:
First, spread the sushi rice onto the nori.  Cut each crab stick into 3 pieces and break them apart into the bowl.  Add the tobikko tempura falkes and mayo into the bowl and stir with the spoon until well mixed.  Place the mixture and the avocados onto the seaweed side of the rice paddy.  Roll it with the bamboo mat until the rice paddy is closed.  With the bamboo mat still on top of the roll, apply pressure to one side to form a tear drop shape.   Apply the 5 nigiri clies of tuna horizontally over the entire roll.  5 pieces should be enough to cover the roll.  Place the bamboo mat over and apply pressure until the tuna sticks to the rice.  Now cut into 10 pieces, starting by cuting inbetween every peice of tuna and cutting every piece of tuna in half.  That would be the best guildline to follow to have even cuts.  Now arrange and sticke very 2 pieces of sushi by the rice sides to for a heart shape.  Place the 10 pieces of 5 hearts on top a plate.  Place a small piece of lettuce half way under the hearts and place a small amount of carrot julienne on top of the lettuce.  Now you can begin your perfect valentines day dinner for  2/14/2010.

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