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Thursday, October 20, 2011

I {heart} Christmas, teacher gifts!
Have you seen these around? Sorry to bore you if you have:) They start out like this:
and turn into these Candy Cane Peppermint Bark HeartsI made up a couple batches for teachers' Christmas presents. SOOOOO cute! My boys said they were super yummy too. Need a quick gift ya go!

Wally world has all the stuff you need to make 'em: Small candy canes, $1.00, Almond Bark less than $2.00, and I didn't even use those big ol' peppermint sticks, so just ignore those.

You place the candy canes in a heart shape on a peice of wax paper.
Melt a couple squares of chocolate bark in the microwave. WARNING: NEVER LEAVE YOU BARK UNATTENDED TO CHECK YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE! SHOOT!Make sure you check on it often and stir stIR, STIR!

You can choose to spoon the bark into the hearts or use a pastry bag. I just used a large ziplock to do mine.

As you can see...when your chocolate bark is set,
melt some vanilla bark. I added 1/4 tsp. of peppermint extract to my 3 cubes that I melted. Once again I filled my bag and piped in into the hearts on top of the chocolate. I then took the back of a spoon and smoothed it out a little.
I had quite a few broken Candy Canes in my little box..I totally should have taken them back, right? I'm sure it didn't help that my little girl was "HELPING" me chuck everything into the back of my trunk. TANGENT, OVER>>> I threw the broken ones in my little mini chopper and ground them into a super fine powder.
Next after my vanilla bark was hardened, I drizzled it with more chocolate and sprinkled with the candy cane dust. They turned out super cute!Who cares if they get stuck in your teeth and will totally give you lock jaw! They look fabulous all wrapped up with a tag... that's all that matters! Oh, and don't be sending me all your dental bills. I WARNED YOU! Here's a close up of the tag.
I just digi scrapped it and printed them off. EASY! The tag says," Merry Christmas from the bottom of our HEARTS" Cheesy like nachos. Let me know if you need a label I can shoot one your way:) Happy candy making:)    

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