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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mini Raspberry swirl Cheesecakes

Hi everyone! I have been quite addicted to Pinterest lately and as I was browsing the food & drink section I came across this recipe and I knew I had to try it, since I loveee cheesecakes and this was a bit of a different take on it.

The original recipe makes 32 cupcakes, but that was way too much, as I knew I would undoubtedly eat them all myself, so I halved the recipe. The raspberry topping added a touch of raspberry flavour completely transforming the flavour of the cheesecakes adding a tangy hint to them, as well as providing an eye-catching pop of colour, so they not only tasted delicious, they also looked great, so would be good to serve to friends or family and would really impress at a dinner party.

Preheat the oven to 163 celcius (320 farenheit) and line the cupcake pans with cupcake cases.
Combine the digestive biscuits and the melted butter and sugar in a bowl and stir them until it is all blended and the ingredients are all moistened. Press 1 tablespoon of the mixture into the bottom of each cupcake case. Bake this until it is set, which usually takes about 5 minutes.
For the cheesecake filling, beat the cream cheese until fluffy and blend in the sugar until it is smooth. Mix in the salt and vanilla and beat in the eggs one at a time mixing well after each addition.
Spoon 3 tablespoons of this cheesecake filling over the biscuit base in each cupcake case.
To make the raspberry topping just combine the raspberries and sugar in a blender or food processor until it is smooth. Then pour this through a fine sieve to get rid of the seeds.
Dot about 1/2 teaspoon of the raspberry topping in a few dots over the cheesecake filling.
To create the swirl effect, using a toothpick or wooden skewer lightly drag them through the dots and swirl them around to create the marbled effect.
Bake the filling until it is set, about 22 minutes and make sure to rotate the pan halfway through baking to ensure they get an even bake.
Once you remove them from the oven, let them cool to room temperature and then transfer them to the fridge to cool for at least a couple of hours because nobody likes warm cheesecakes! 

For the crust:
1 1/2 crushed digestive biscuits
4 tablespoons melted butter
3 tablespoons sugar

For the cheesecake filling:
2lbs Cream cheese
1 1/2 cups sugar
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 large eggs

For the raspberry topping:
6oz fresh raspberries
2 tablespoons sugar

Here is the link to the original recipe from Annie's Eats

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