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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

sorta, kinda martha-like

When the December issue of Martha arrived, I was immediately hooked on this scene above - it's been on my inspiration board since it arrived. It must be all that Scandinavian goodness. Or the sleeping child under handknit blankets. Whatever the reason, I knew we had to make the gingerbread mobile.
Which is just what we did last Friday night. Or attempted to do last Friday night more precisely. We had some funky dough issues. And some funky children issues. And some funky oven issues. (And some funky camera flash issues, too. It was a funky night. Thank goodness it was a funny-funky kind of night.) I should have stuck with my stand-by Gingerbread recipe (also a la Martha), but I tried the one called for in the magazine. It was near impossible to work with - but I don't blame the recipe (yet) - it could have been any of the other 10 funky factors going on at the moment. I'm pretty sure I'll be cleaning that gingerbread dough off the floors (and ceilings and cabinets) for as long as we live here. But regardless - a fabulously good time was had by all. Really - a silly, fun and very good time.
Over the weekend we iced our gingerbread.
And then yesterday, we put our mobiles together. Or rather, Adelaide and I put this mobile together. All of Ezra's mobile-destined cookies (bats, by the way) ended up in his belly (and nearly all of Adelaide's ended up there, too...if you couldn't tell from the photo above).

Then Calvin completed his. When the funky dough issues made it impossible for him to make his planned deer, he quickly switched doughnuts. It's a Holiday Doughnut mobile. It hangs over his desk now, and I'm pretty sure it's the most fabulous holiday decoration I've ever seen. A Doughnut Mobile? Really now. I'm in love.

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