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Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Cake challenge!


I know that you've waited for this for a long time, but here we are :-)
The BG-Mamma Forum's Cake Challenge is over! It's “ Judgment day” LOL!
You can see all of the wedding cakes here. The picture I've posted is of my cake, it is called “ Butterfly Bliss- Tandoori”. As you can see I am playing around a lot with my new camera :-) By the way you can leave comments under each cake from the challenge if you want, English or other language, it doesn't matter. :-)
The girls did an amazing job! The most difficult part now is the discussion and the criticism we have to give and receive :-)
Here are couple of words about my cake:
The bottom tier is an old-fashion coconut cake from the Dessert Bible with coconut buttercream ( just bake the coconut and add it to the buttercream), the top tier is mocca cake with chocolate cream with sliced almonds.
I had a lot of work with this one, especially because of the pipping- it took me 1 hour to actually make the inside lace on the cake. This was my first time working with embossers ( lace etc), it took a little bit of practice but at the end it was OK I think, for a first time :-)
The ball is plastic Christmas tree ball, that I covered with fondant and then “glued” it together with water. I cut the pieces of fondant with the embosser and placed them on top of the ball. The butterflies are fondant as well, a little bit of pipping there too. right hand was 3 sizes bigger ( I told you in the previous post how I had a stupid accident, but the pipping made it even worse), so I had trouble taking the pictures, but overall I am OK with the result, because it turned out exactly as I imagined!:-)
The other news is that I officially "left" Webshots and transfered my pictures at Flickr, so I have a new cake albums and collections if you want to see them.
I hope you enjoy it! :-)

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