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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Table Settings and Centerpieces

 To create a dramatic and colorful spring centerpiece, place yellow tulips in a simple vase, and anchor the blooms with lime slices. If you have a long table, arrange a few of these down the center.
Unique Combinations 

Try Complementary Colors

Complementary colors such as purple and yellow create a perfect combination for your spring centerpiece. Purple irises, yellow tulips and white roses in a glass vase make a classic statement for your party decor.

Try Complementary Colors 

Beautiful Spring Bouquet

Read more about how to create this and other stunning arrangements.

Combining fresh roses, peonies, and hyacinths in exciting new ways allows us to enjoy their beauty each day. Fashion this delightful bouquet as a centerpiece whenever company's coming or any time you're ready for a wonderful treat.
Beautiful Spring Bouquet 

Easter Flowers

Decorate your Easter table with colorful blooms, candies, and bunnies. Hide the flowers' container with moss for a fresh, Spring look.
 Easter Flowers 

Festive Flower Arrangment

Now that florist foam comes in a rainbow of vibrant hues, anyone can easily get fancy with flowers. Pink, blue, yellow, lime green, and orange foam (along with a few other colors) is available in cubes, cylinders, and other geometric shapes; just stack a few of these to fashion a base for your Easter flower arrangement.

Cut florist foam into different-size small blocks, and saturate them with water. Arrange the cubes on a platter, and insert flower stems. Vary the height of flowers for an arrangement with depth. Try yellow roses, green ‘Kermit' mums, pink gerbera daisies, or any springtime blossoms you love.
  Festive Flower Arrangment

Vibrant Easter Table

Buy plastic eggs--in as many colors as you can find--and cover a straw wreath form to hang in a window or on the wall. Then choose napkins, dishware, ribbon, and other fun elements that complement the eggs' seasonal hues Vibrant Easter Table 

An Egg-cellent Idea

Colorful natural containers pair prettily with classic silver pieces to create an elegant spring tablescape.

Find out how to create your own decorations.  An Egg-cellent Idea

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