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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cranberry-Pomegranate Sauce

Cranberries + Pomegranates.
The combo happens to be one of my favorite juices in the morning. So I figured, why not give it a try with a cranberry-pomegranate sauce this Thanksgiving?!?
Initially, I was just going to add in some of my favorite POM juice and let it give some extra kick to the sauce. But since I had a ripe pomegranate at home (ok, I confess — three ripe pomegranates!), I decided at the last second to throw in some fresh pomegranate seeds as well. And oh my word — what fun!!! In addition to lending that irresistibly sweet and tart flavor to the sauce, the pomegranate seeds also provided some fun mini-”crunch” to the normally smooth sauce. Totally easy, and totally delicious — I loved it!
So if you’re looking for a new spin on cranberry sauce this Thanksgiving, give this a try! Perhaps the best part is that it makes fantastic leftovers too — perfect on any cooked meats, seafood, or veggies. Or toss it in the blender with some fruit and make a smoothies. :-) However you enjoy it, I think you’ll love it!

Cranberry-Pomegranate Sauce
  • 1 bag (12 oz.) fresh cranberries
  • 2 cups (16 oz.) POM pomegranate juice
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cups sugar (depending on your preferred level of sweetness)
  • seeds from 1 pomegranate (optional)
Combine the cranberries, pomegranate juice and sugar together in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.
Then remove from heat, and stir in pomegranate seeds. Refrigerate until ready to serve (and sauce will thicken as it cools).
Ali’s Tip:
Feel free to also add in a cinnamon stick while this cooks to give it an extra kick!

(Also don’t forget to check out the great opportunity I mentioned last week to get some great prizes from one of the NFL’s sponsors, Procter & Gamble. Check out their “Take it to the House” program and photo contest, where prizes include a $10,000 community donation to support NFL PLAY 60 and an at-home visit from a local NFL legend! One lucky Grand Prize Winner will even win a trip to the 2011 Pro Bowl in Hawaii. Show us how you and your football family bring NFL game day to life at home at (click on the contest tab)!
Also, you have until Nov. 30 to enter the Folger’s “Best Part Of Wakin’ Up At Home For The Holidays” essay contest!)

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