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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flatbread Veggie-Lovers Pizza Recipe

Some weeks I do well with eating healthy. And then some weeks I seem to utterly and miserably fail…especially when I’m working long hours away from my kitchen, it’s too rainy to exercise outside, and there is a rum cake in the house. :) Excuses, excuses….
But tomorrow is the kickoff for one of our latest “health and wellness” challenges at work. (Yes, it’s true — every few months we have a new creatively-themed contest across our 200+ employees focused on various aspects of health.) And I am determined to get back on the ball and win this one!
So to kick off the week on a positive note, thought I’d post one of my favorite new (and healthy!) recipes from this summer for flatbread pizza. This one originally comes from one of my favorite bloggers — Katie at GoodLife{Eats}. (You should all visit her lovely site!) Similar to the pita pizzas I posted last spring, these flatbread pizzas are a fantastic way to whip up a delicious meal in a flash. With these, I especially loved how Katie used the mozzarella balls (which gave fun bursts of cheese, rather than an even topping), the fresh basil, and parmesan to balance out the veggies – delish!
Feel free to use whatever fresh veggies you have on hand (or throw in some Italian sausage, as she suggests) and whip up a flatbread creation of your own. Wishing everyone a healthy week!

Flatbread Veggie-Lovers Pizza Recipe(Adapted from Good Life {Eats})
  • 4 pieces of whole-wheat flatbread (or pitas)
  • olive oil
  • a handful of fresh basil, thinly sliced
  • bite sized fresh marinated mozzarella balls (about 6-8 per pita)
  • fresh grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 medium zucchini, diced
  • 1 medium yellow crooked neck squash, diced
  • 1/2 of a red onion, diced
  • 1 bell pepper (red, yellow, orange or green), diced
  • 2 roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
  • crumbled Italian sausage, about 1 cup (optional)
Heat 1 tsp. olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the diced zucchini, yellow squash, red onion, bell pepper and tomatoes, and season with salt and pepper. Saute for 5 minutes until cooked, then remove from heat.
Meanwhile, brush the tops of each pita bread with olive oil. Top with basil. Sprinkle the pita bread with the cooked zucchini, yellow squash, red onion, bell pepper and tomatoes. Cut the mozzarella balls in half and sprinkle on top of the other toppings. Bake at 400 degrees, or grill, until the pita is slightly crispy and the cheese is bubbly. Sprinkle with freshly grated Parmesan cheese, cut into wedges and serve.
Ali’s Tip:
Some other fun veggies to add to this might be: asparagus, mushrooms, eggplant, spinach, shallots (in place of onions)…as well as other fresh italian herbs!

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