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Thursday, March 17, 2011

The crunchiest and tastiest tacos for Paula Deen

As I delightfully accepted (jumping up and down) the invitation to come cook Mexican with Paula, I told her producer, we love her show at home. Not only does it make my boys want to jump into the kitchen but her accent completely cracks them up. That last bit made her producer burst in laughter. Patriz-z-zia, he said, her accent cracks them up? What about yours?


Sometimes we are the last ones to notice some ofour most obvious traits and talents. Growing up in Mexico I usedto think I was tall, then I moved to Texas. After years of studying tobecome a political analyst, here I am, cooking my life away.

A couple months after the invitation to visit Paula, guess what started tohappen? Even my little gringo boys at home started cracking up atmy accent too. "Mami, you don't say feesh, you say fish, not like bee... you know, like dish." Oh well... I am not tall, I am not a political analyst anymore and I do have an accent.

Accentsincluded and all, visiting Paula's kitchen in Savannah was some ofthe best fun I've ever had. Thinking about it makes me smile so wide,my eyes barely get the chance to see what's in front of them. She is hilarious.

ThisIcan say: I am amazed by Paula. She is as scrumptious, funny andgenerous in person as she is on screen. As real as real can get, andits even better live. I don't know that many people who enjoy food asmuch as Paula. She just dives into it, the whole thing, the preparing,the cooking and the savoring. So before deciding the menu, I knew the food had to be as yummy as she is. Now that's a challenge.

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