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Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Mothers day!

I know I am a day early, but unless it’s to play on Pinterest, or shop for cookie supplies I won’t be anywhere near my computer, so I’d better say it NOW…

Besides all my best buds, one of the biggest things I miss about living in Virginia are the thrift stores. Barbara and I used to spend HOURS scouring them on Saturday mornings and pretty much any other day off just to see what treasures we could find.
It makes me a little sad that they aren’t the same here. I guess Texans like to hang onto their junk. Still,I try to stop every once in a while when I go to town, on the chance I might get lucky.
Last weekend must have been one of those times, because I found this beautiful old chippy plate, and a perfectly-proportioned matching candlestick. I loved that it has a wider more stable base.
I’ve been so enchanted by all of the DIY cake stands lately, and now I had the pieces to make my own.
Besides being pretty, it made a smaller, cookie size pedestal, which is more useful to me than a full blown cake stand.
Constructing it was SOOOOOOOO easy I barely took any pictures. All I did was buy a tube of Loctite Instant Mix Epoxy, clean the bottom of the plate with alcohol, add epoxy to the edge of the candlestick, and stick it to the bottom of the plate. You can get really technical and measure, but I felt like living a little on the wild side.
It bonded in one minute, but it took 24 hours to cure, so I used one of my heavier books and flower pots as a weight and let it dry overnight.

The next morning I had a perfect, beautiful cake plate that inspired matching cookies.
They really remind me of my mom, who is the first in a list of women who helped mold me.
I sure didn’t make it easy on my mom, but as I get older I see a lot of her in myself, and I am a lot more merciful and understanding toward what it must have taken to juggle what she did. I LOVE you lots, Mamye.
My second “mom”, Nanny has been gone two and a half years now, and I still miss her every day. Over time, the sadness has faded into fond memories and most days I can have a two way conversation with her in my head. I don’t always understand why she loved me so fiercely, but I am SURE glad the did.
My third “mom” Miss Wanda, kind of adopted me as a stray. Just the sound of her voice set my worries flying away, and if I ever needed good honest advice, she was and still is my lady.
My last “mom” is my friend Stephanie. She was the person who gave me the courage to dream.
I love all of these ladies with all of my heart, and I am glad every day that they were and ARE a part of my life…
Now, it’s my turn to be a mother and I HOPE I can give to my kids what these ladies gave to me.
Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

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