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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lets make Carnation flowers today..

Tools you need :

Cake decorating Glue (I am using Tylo Glue).. You can use water too.. But take time to stick or dry..

Roller stick..

I am using the carnation cutter.. You can use other cookie cutter too.. But for this Tutorial I am using this cutter.

Cocktail stick.

Icing Sugar.. To avoid your fondant or Gum paste from sticking on surface..

I am using Gumpaste from Satin Ice. It's imported product. Pricey but Fantastic product. You can use fondant too (If possible to add the CMC or Gumtex powder on to make it more firm)

Food colouring.. I am using Wilton Pink colour. Take a piece of Gum paste and tint it with Pink colour. I always put my reserved Gum paste in a Zip lock bag (Or any plastic bag) to avoid it from drying.

Let's Start:

To tinted my Gum paste.. I use a cocktail stick to put colour on the Gum paste. Knead well until colour spread evenly.

There you have it. I divide it into small pieces.. The balance keep it inside the zip lock bag if not using.

Roll the Gum paste into very thin size.. Just nice for a petal of flowers.. Don't forget to put Icing sugar on your board surface before rolling.. To avoid from sticking..

Next take your cutter.. dip the sharp edge into the Icing sugar 1st.. To avoid from sticking..

And then use it to cut the shape..

This cutter have 3 sizes.. perfect for the Carnation layer..

Take a cocktail stick.. place it on the petal, press a little bit and roll front and back ward.. It will form a nice petal waves.. You have to do it on every petal.. (Be patience.. ^_^)

I am using this palate for my project.. Make sure this is just for your gum paste projects ya.. ^_^

I put the 1st petal into the hole..

Brush Tylo glue on the middle and put the next layer on top..

Use the pointy part of your brush to push the petal in to stick..

For the last petal.. I will need to fold it into 2.. 1st fold like this.. Don't press to hard..

and 2nd fold..

Brush Tylo glue on the middle and place the last petal in. This might a bit tricky.. Be patient.. ^_^. Use your brush or the pointy edge of your brush to open the petal.. make it more neat.. ^_^.

Cover your Gum paste if you still cutting others.. To make sure it don't dry before you shaping them..

For the leaves.. Tinted your Gum paste into green..

Take a little bit of it and shape into this..

Roll it like this..

And press at 1 edge.. and you are done.. ^_^

I purposely put the leaves that way to create more real shape.. Dry your flowers over night before using it on your cake..


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