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Monday, May 16, 2011

1 Year Bloggiversary Giveaway and Wreath Tutorial


Here at StoneGable the change of season gives me a reason to create a new wreath. This fall I wanted to make a neutral colored wreath using corn husks, full of creamy colors and earthy browns... until I visited a Hobby Lobby! I could not resist all the warm, rich colors of pumpkins, berries and leaves. So I left with a bag (several bags) of colorful goodies and my mind swimming with ideas in a new direction.

StoneGable Fall 2010 Wreath Tutorial

2 large wreaths
3 glitzy pumpkins
5 large picks of orange/brown berries
4 large picks of earthy colored ball "berries"
2 packages of crape paper like fall leaves
3-5 picks assorted brambly berries and leaves
2 bags of pine cones and acorns
3 large pine cones
2 large stems, brown gourd pods
3 feather picks
2 packs of assorted feathers
odds and ends leaves and berries

florist wire
hot glue
dust buster

As with all my wreaths, I wire 2 wreaths together for a more full and lush look.

Because I wanted the whole wreath to be filled in, I sectioned the wreath into thirds and glued a large pick of rusty colored berries to the wreath.

Add additional variegated large berry/ball pics in between the original 3 picks.

This now sections off the wreath and makes little areas to work with. I find this much easier than trying to work on the whole wreath at one time.

Add pumpkins up against the original 3 berry pick.

Tuck leaves under the pumpkins, crinkling them to give them visual life.

Add pine cones. I decided to use only 2 large ones and 1 grouping of small pine cones in place of the 3rd large pine cone, again for more interest.

Begin to fill in the gaps between each section with berries,leaves. feather pics, pine cones and acorns. Continue to fill in and layer elements until the wreath is abundant and filled with visual interest.

Hang wreath and continue to fill in while looking at it in a vertical position. This is a very important step. Because the wreath will be viewed in an upright position, make sure there are no gaps or visual unbalance in the wreath when it hangs. I added feathers once the wreath was vertical. It was easier to position them.

Shake wreath and re-glue all loose pieces. Fluff and hang in the perfect spot!

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