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Monday, May 16, 2011

Kitchen Counter Soup Buffet


Soup is on! And being served from the kitchen counter.

Here at StoneGable, we LOVE soup! So when the family got together for Sunday lunch, soup was the perfect meal for a gang! For this gathering I made a hearty Beef Barley Soup with Puffed Pastry Leaf Croutons. And don't forget the Zesty Crackers... they are addictive!

I used a kitchen couter and not my island because I thought it was more cozy.

At one end of the counter a bushel basket that I use when picking weeds is repurposed as a cornucopia holding pumpkins, gourds and Indian corn.

The other end is anchored with a big potted mum.

Along with the rust colored mum is a slate cheese board that I use as a kitchen blackboard. Today it becomes a menu board.

A white soup tureen embellished with a little fall foliage holds the stick-to-your-ribs soup!

A stack of oversized soup cups stand ready for a couple ladles of soup.

Light puffed pastry leaves add a delicious crisp crunch to the soup. Look for an upcoming post on how to make them (they taste wonderful as a sweet treat too!)

Square pumpkin plates and black and white checkered plates are topped off with a pumpkin from my garden sporting a jaunty black and white ribbon!

The only flatware needed for this lunch is a big soup spoon and a checkered napkin!

Zesty cracker, a big Stonegable favorite, fill a glass pumpkin jar. A scoop has a big leaf and some acorns attached to it just for more fall fun! Look for the recipe in an upcoming post.

I embellished a little lamp that sits on the countertop with a black and white checked ribbon and some pretty leaves and acorns!

Now ladle up a big bowl of soup, add some crouton leaves and grab a scoopful of zesty crackers! YUMMY!

Click here and look for the recipe on Sunday's menu.

And don't forget dessert! Maple caramel apples on apple tree twigs.

Hopefully, they will be posted tomorrow for Foodie Friday... I am still not totally happy with the recipe... yet!

There is just something so satisfying about a leisurely Sunday lunch! Now I need a cat nap!

I am participating in Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps OnThe Porch. Thanks to Susan our gracious Hostess!

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