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Monday, May 16, 2011

Fresh As A Daisy Easter Breakfast Table


Easter morning at StoneGable begins with Church, Easter baskets and breakfast. Not just any breakfast, but one that has been a time honored tradition for years!

That being said, without a working kitchen during the StoneGable Farmhouse Kitchen Makeover our Easter Breakfast will be different this year. Delicious, but different and a whole lot simpler.

Sweet little egg shaped plates and matching egg bowls are the inspiration for this table. Spring green and adorned with little white daisies, they are eggs-actly right for an Easter breakfast tablescape.

The first course, a creamy milk chocolate hen sits in a natural nest of straw on an accumulation of complimentary dishes.

My beloved leaf and berry plate (HomeGoods), a square amber plate (Wegman's), a pretty white ruffled plate (HomeGoods) and the springy green egg plate (HomeGoods) stack to create a fresh crisp table setting!

Bight green and white flower inspired placemats pop on the snow white tablecloth.

A little egg shaped bowl at each place holds jelly belly jellybeans! Don't you love a meal that starts with candy? YUM!

The flatware is very plain in keeping with this crisp simple theme. Purchased at a local antique shop, they remind me of ones my grandmother owned. They have a gorgeous variegated and worn handle.

To continue the daisy theme, individual white creamers are called into service as vases. They are filled with daisies, yellow fluff and greens and placed above the fork at each setting. I just love all things individual. It's that little extra effort and pizazz that shows you care!

Daisies are so sweet!

Spring green basetweave napkin rings hold green linen-look napkins overlaid with starched white cotton napins. The cutout work in the napkins are a nice detail!

Green bubble goblets just HAD to appear on this table...

Salt and pepper... oh, cute bunnies (Pottery Barn) !

The centerpiece is very simple and uncomplicated. Lots of dasies and other grocery store flowers gathered in pretty green glazed pots.

A white bunny sits between he pots of flowers. Are you Mr. Cottontail?

Simple, crisp and so very sweet... literally!

StoneGable's Early Easter Breakfast Menu
Evan's Mill Chocolate Hen
Jelly Belly Jellybeans
Hard Boiled Eggs
Toasted Paska With Butter and Jam
Assorted Muffins
Mixed Berries
Orange Juice

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