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Monday, May 16, 2011

Strawberry Jell-O Salad {Potluck Sunday}

Good morning everyone and welcome to another edition of Potluck Sunday. Christmas is only 12 days away are you ready? I'm not but I am getting closer to finishing up my Christmas shopping and my holiday baking. Today I wanted to share a recipe for my favorite Strawberry Jell-O Salad.

Have you started on your Christmas Dinner Menu? I have and it includes this yummy Jell-O Salad. Down here in Texas the holidays just wouldn't be the same if you didn't have a jell-o salad on your Thanksgiving and Christmas table.

I got this recipe from my mother in law about 14 years ago and I have been making it ever since. Recently I have changed the recipe up just a bit to suit my kids taste. The original recipe called for shredded American cheese, but I chose to substitute with mini marshmallows. Now my kids gobble this up. I use anywhere between 1/2 to 3/4 cup marshmallows it all depends on how many you want.

I was also thinking that you could play around with the jell-o flavor for a whole different salad. Strawberry is still my all time favorite but lime, cranberry or even orange would be yummy. Maybe you're still looking for another salad or side dish at your Christmas table. If so I think you will love this as much as my family does.
So today I am bringing my favorite jell-o salad to our Sunday Potluck. Do you have a recipe you would like to bring to our the potluck? If so then link directly to your post not your homepage. Please include a link back to Mommy's Kitchen, so everyone can view all of the delicious recipes. In usual fashion I have included some step by step photos but the full recipe is at the end of this post.
Mix water, sugar and pineapple over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Add the dry jello and mix to combine. Allow the mixture to cool for about twenty to thirty minutes. Add the pecans and fold in the whipped whipping cream and the mini marshmallows.

Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. This is always the hardest part for me. Patience is not one of my best qualities.

Strawberry Jell-O Salad

1 – 3 oz pkg strawberry jell-O
1 – 8 oz can crushed pineapple, drained
1/2 - cup granulated sugar
1/2 - cup water
1/2 - 3/4 cup mini marshmallows
1 - pint fresh whipping cream, whipped (not cool whip)
1/2 - cup pecan pieces

Mix water, sugar and pineapple over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Add the dry jello and mix well. Allow the mixture to cool for twenty to thirty minutes. While the mixture cools whip the whipping cream and place it in the refrigerator. When the jell-o mixture is cool add the pecans and fold in the whipped whipping cream. Add the mini marshmallows last. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.

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