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Monday, May 16, 2011



When the windows at StoneGable are thrown open to welcome warm Spring air, the songs of our feather friends comes wafting along with the breeze! Hearing a bird symphony is one of my favorite simple pleasures.

Their sweet chirping is literally music to my ears!

Spring is also nesting time for the birds. They nest EVERYWHERE! In our trees, under our porch, in our hanging planters and even in the wreaths on our doors. After all, we do live out in the middle of Lancaster County farmland, no wonder the birds love nesting here!

Today's table was inspired by the nesting birds.

A simple table filled with organic elements and natural colors is set on the side porch. The farm fields surrounding StoneGable are sprouting back to life. The vista is a welcomed sight after a hard winter and a very damp and cool spring.

A simple swath of burlap acts as a runner on my Nani's old table (my favorite to use for tablescapes), chippy and worn with age.

Chargers coiled together from young grape vine (Pottery Barn) act as a nest for white plates. No big stacks of dishes today, just white, simple and understated.

Darling mossy nests top each place setting. A tri of willow balls replace traditional eggs.

The organic element of twigs keeps repeating in this table.

Napolean Bee flatware (Horchow), another element taken from nature, sit on the old table.

Those little bees... bee-utiful!

Crisp white cotton napkins are are covered with a small square of burlap just for fun and effect.

They are brought together in a white painted bird napkin ring (Luckett's).

The burlap is a nice, understated fiber. It makes a very pretty contract to the white iron painted bird.

Brown ribbed goblets add weight to the table. Brown and creamy white is a soothing and rustic color combination. It is also very popular right now.

A box planter made from old wood is filled with Sweet Alyssum. If you would like to learn how to make this rustic planter~ please look for an upcoming Tutorial.

A rush nesting basket is nestled among the floweres. Twigs of curly willow are placed here and there to continue the theme.

Downy white bird salt and pepper shakers grace this springtime table.

Asparagus Gruyere Tart
(look for upcoming post)
Baby Greens and Chrisp Panchetta with Green Goddess Dressing
(look for upcoming post)
Rhubarb Cobbler with Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
(look for upcoming post)

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