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Monday, June 11, 2012

Easy Gingham Cookies

I love pretty gingham!  That simple, classic pattern has always appealed to me.   I know that must me I'm a bit country... but I am, so that's OK =)  I was at Michael's (craft store) recently and stumbled upon some cute gingham pinwheels and napkins.  I picked them both up, trying to convince myself why I "needed" them... and I quickly decided I could make some gingham cookies! 

Several months ago, Callye (Sweet Sugar Belle) made some beautiful (and easy-always a bonus!) ombre cookies using spray food coloring.  I've never tried the spray coloring, but have been wanting to give it a try ever since I saw her results!  I thought it might work for gingham too, so I bought two colors and headed home.

And sure enough... it DID work!  =)  Thanks Callye!       

There was a little bit of a learning curve with these, and some I sprayed more evenly than others, but in general I was quite happy with the results and will have fun playing with this technique again! 

~ How to make Gingham Patterned Cookies ~

First, you'll need a batch cookies.  Here's my Sugar Cookie Recipe.
Then, make a batch of Royal Icing
You'll also need at least one can of spray food coloring, such as Color Mist (I bought mine at Michael's)

(steps A. and B. are not pictured)
(A).  Outline and flood your cookies using white icing.  I used a square shape, but a circle would look good too.  Allow the cookies to fully dry (overnight).

(B).  While the cookies are drying, make a stencil using cardstock paper.  I used and exacto knife and a ruler and cut strips that were 1/2 inch wide, and at least an inch longer than the width of the cookie. 

1. (as pictured, although I took the photos after I had completed the cookies). 
When the cookies are dry, gather your supplies (the plain cookies, and your spray colors).  Cover your work area well!  I used a large paper bag, but quickly found out that was not quite enough.  If you can, you may want to do this project outside.  But either way, make sure you cover your work area fully.  I would also suggest covering your mouth and nose with a cloth.  The smell is not too bad, but I did discovered that I must have breathed in some of the coloring through my nose (I wont explain how I figured this out).

Very lightly spray your chosen color over the entire cookie.

2.  Once the first layer of color has dried (maybe 10 minutes), place your stencil at a diagonal across the cookie (as pictured).  Spray lightly with color. 

3.  Once the first stripes have dried (about 10 minutes), lay your stencil across the opposite diagonal (as shown), and spray your color. 

Voila!  Gingham patterned cookies!

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