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Monday, June 11, 2012

Picnik Is Closing :(

Want to have a picnic with me? We can have hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, and corn on the cob. Sound like fun to you? This was my world for a long time! A happy little picnic! A world of sunshine and watermelon! Then, it happened!! The storm rolled in!! Dark clouds, pouring rain, and lightning blots!!!! It totally rained on my PICNIK!!! is closing?? WHAT?!! I am the saddest girl in the world! I use Picnik for editing my photo so without it I am going to be lost! All I could think of it is why are you raining on my Picnik???

Then, there are those poor little ants to think about! What are they going to do without us playing with them? I am so worried!
They are scrambling to move things before everything goes dark! Pack up your Picnik baskets and forget about having beautiful photos!
You don’t have time to eat watermelon because Picnik is closing on April 19th!! What in world am I going to do??
Bye bye Picnik!! No more ants to play with! But wait…I have something to tell you!!
If the ants won’t play with us the monkeys will!! Hello PicMonkey!! My friend Sweet Pudgy Panda told me about it!  was made by a couple of engineers that created Picnik! They are a lot alike!! I will show you:)
There are a few things that are different like the pictures but for the most part, the basic editing tools are the same.
On PicMonkey, you can rotate, crop, tweak the exposure and color, sharpen and re-size just like you could on Picnik. I don’t know what I would do without these basic editing tools. They are wonderful!!

The effects are fun to play with! I don’t use these much on pictures for my blog, but I do for personal pictures and for my other job. The camp pictures I take for promotions would be awful with the effects I add.
LOOK!! PicMonkey even has Touch Up Tools!! YEAH!! I am not going to go over all the tools because you need to see for yourself how you want to use it.  I am really excited to have so many editing tools! Without this, I would have some really dull and ugly pictures to share with you on my blog.

So please don’t cry about the ants leaving! We now have a cute little monkey to play with!
Want to make some of those cute little ants that stand up all by themselves? I have a tutorial for you so be sure to stop back by!!

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