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Monday, June 11, 2012

Sewing Cookies for Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day Week everyone! I wanted to make some sewing cookies for Mother’s Day this year. I first made these cookies back in 2010 and I wanted to  make a tutorial for you so you can make some sewing cookies for your mom. I think these are a great way to say Happy Mother’s Day. You can even make a cute card that says we love you “Sew” much but, I didn’t think of that until just now or I would have made one for my mom. Anyway, lets make some cookies.
I used 15 second icing for this set.
Tomato Pincushion Cookie
I avoid hand cutting whenever I can so to make these, I used a smashed circle and a flip flop cutter. I placed the smashed circle into the flip flop and cut.
Then, you can cut a piece of paper like the top of a tomato and use it as a template and trace with a  food safe marker.
Next, with the red icing, outline your tomato. Immediately flood both sides and let dry for about 20 minutes.
With the red icing, flood the middle and let it dry for about 20 minutes.
Then, outline the top of the tomato with green and flood right away.
With your grey icing, make three little lines where your want your pins to be and let it dry for about 20 minutes. This step is important because when you make the pins you don’t want them to look like they are falling down the top of the tomato later. Adding the lines will make it level. Now let this dry several hours or overnight before you add the final details.
Then, with the grey icing, add the pins.
Next, make the balls on top any color you want.
With your green icing, make the lines on the tomato and where the pins are pushed into the tomato top.
The Dressmaker Dummy

For the dressmakers dummy I used a dress cutter and a martini glass cutter. You can use almost any dress cutter for this. The wedding dress was perfect for what I wanted but the other one work well after I trimmed a little off the sides.
Next outline the top of the dummy with red icing and flood immediately.
Then, add the stand with your brown icing.
Spool of Thread Cookies
First, cut a pattern for thread from paper and traced it onto your square with a food safe marker.
Then, outline the cookie with white icing and flood the background. Let it dry several hours or overnight.
With your tan icing, flood the top and bottom of the spool.
With your brown icing and a small tip, (I used a 1.5 PME) make an “X” in each corner of your cookie. Then make your stitches around the edges and let it dry for several hours or overnight.
Next, with your red icing flood the center of the spool and let it dry for about an hour. Then, add the lines for the thread.
If you want a tutorial for buttons, Sweet Sugar Belle has a great one here. That is where I learned to make them.
I love being a mom! It has been the greatest pleasure of my life and I have loved every minute of it! Yes, even moments like when we were on our way to church one Easter Sunday morning and Tylor, who was about six at the time, grabbed his little sisters Easter basket and tossed his cookies into it. And like the time when all three kids had chicken pox at the same time. Or the time when they had a pet hamster that I swear was  Harry Houdini reincarnated because it would escape from it’s cage and crawl on my face while I was sleeping!! Yes, all these things really happened and although it wasn’t funny at the time, we laugh about it all the time now.
Happy Mother’s Day! Now go make some cookies for your mom and grandma!
Happy Creating,

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