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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Peaches revisited

Peaches CookiesMy friend Biserka allowed me to publish this absolutely best recipe for these delicious, beautiful cookies. She makes them even prettier, and the look just depends on colors and amount of color you use.

I have tried so many recipes for these cookies, as I do have another recipe here on my blog,(for now you can use it to see the process) however now I stick to this one because the biscuit is so soft, and so “cake-like”, especially after you let them sit for a day or two in an airtight plastic bag. I am speechless, let me just tell you that I have made them 3 times in the past 10 days for my friends and family, and we just can’t get enough!!!
Thank you so much my friend!

Peaches Cookies
Peaches cookies

I’ll just write the recipe in metrics, and you can use online converters , but most scales have the option of measuring in grams, as most measuring cups have milliliter option too.

4 eggs
250 ml oil
250 g sugar (granulated
2 tsp of vanilla sugar, or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tsp baking powder
4 Tbs flour
Later add:
500 g flour

First mix eggs, sugar, and vanilla. Add oil, and then add 4 tbsp flour, and baking powder, and mix well. Let it sit for 1 hour, and then mix in 500g flour. Do this with your hands, it’s quite sticky, but once you get it all mixed well, wash your hands, and you’ll find it rather easy to make little balls.

Preheat oven to 355 F, and make little balls size of a smaller walnut. Arrange on a baking sheet, about an inch apart, and bake for about 15-20 minutes, and they should still remain white.

Cool each batch, (I get about 4 cookie sheets out of this, you can double if you want more, but this is plenty), and core them on the bottom part, to make the room for the filling. Leave those crumbs you get from coring for the filling.
I then fill them with combination of Nutella, crumbs from the cookies, and ground walnuts. No measure, I just start by about a cup of Nutella, then I add just enough crumbs and ground walnuts to make nice filling that is not runny, but just perfect for sticking the cookies together.

You fill one cookie half, then connect with another, and you have a peach. To color them, I pour about half a cup of milk into two separate bowl, and add a drop or two of color red into one, and yellow into another. You dip them really quickly into each colored milk, so you don’t end up soaking them, and then you roll them in sugar. Once you are done with all it is best to place them in Ziploc bags, and keep them in there at least overnight. They get so soft, and melt in the mouth. Enjoy

I shall try to include recipe for her filling which is different, as soon as I get time…really busy now! I am sending these delicious peaches as my entry to Cookie Baking Event created by Sharmi of Neivedyam.

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