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Thursday, March 24, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my readers.. I am wishing you all a good 2010 and hope everyone has a good year and What better way to enjoy the first day of a new year than with a delicious Cookies... Peach Cookies!!!This cookies are shaped like miniature peaches and filled with jam they are time consuming, but worth every minute...

200 g white sugar
180 ml vegetable oil
120 ml milk
3 eggs
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
460g flour

For the filling:
Crumbs from carving the peach halves
200g peach marmalade
30g Ground walnuts
2 teaspoons rum

200ml milk
150g white sugar
2 drops red food coloring
4 drops yellow food coloring

1. Combine sugar, oil, milk, eggs, baking powder and vanilla in large bowl.Let it sit for 2-3 hour, and then blend in enough flour to form a soft dough.
2. Roll into walnut size balls. Place on ungreased cookie sheets.
3. Preheat oven to 170 degrees C. Bake for 15-20 minutes.Cookies will be pale. Remove to rack to cool.
4. Hollow out cookie center and reserve crumbs. In a medium bowl, stir together the apricot jam,ground walnuts,rum and reserved crumbs until well blended
5. Fill cookies with crumb mixture.Press 2 cookies together to form peach.
6.Prepare two bowls with 100 ml of milk in each mix in couple of drops of red food coloring in one, and couple of drops of yellow food coloring in the other bowl.Prepare sugar for dipping. Quickly dip each peach in red milk, and then in yellow milk
7.Once you are done with all coloring and rolling them in sugar,let them rest in plastic bags,and keep them in there at least overnight. You can garnish them with leaves made from marzipan..

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