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Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to do Horizontal Stripes

Horizontal stripes are considered very hard to achieve in cake decorating. It’s not easy to pipe perfect horizontal lines using a piping bag.
Typically it means rolling out fondant and cutting out long strips, then attaching them to a cake with the help of another. Or it may mean creating a single, wide, sheet of several strips of fondant, then wrapping the cake in it (as seen in Ace of Cakes). It may also simply mean the use of ribbon.
I was playing around with the idea in my head, thinking of ways to achieve this effect. Maybe airbrushing? Maybe some sort of stencil? Maybe printing the stripes out as an edible image?
And then I came across these pictures. One thing that they have in common is that they are all wrapped in modeling chocolate.
Than the big AHA! moment arrived, when I came across THIS ARTICLE from Anne Welch.
“Roll out some modeling chocolate…whatever color you like. Say you want to put some stripes on it for ribbons. Roll out another color. Cut strips from that second color in whatever size you want. Remember, when you roll it out again, the strips will get bigger, so cut them thinner than you actually want them (this is a trial-and-error thing).
With a pastry brush or your hand, lightly wet the first color you rolled out (not overly so, you just want to make it tacky). Lay your stripes out in your desired fashion. Now liberally sprinkle a lot of cornstarch all over it.
Take your rolling pin, (or cut sizes to fit through the pasta machine) and roll in the same direction as the stripes. You can also roll across the width of the stripes, but remember, this will make them wider…..if you don’t want them wider, don’t roll that way. The stripes will become flush with the first piece of chocolate you rolled out, and it will look like one piece.”
[End Quote]
So there is a way! I’m so excited to try this technique out!!!!
For more pictures of this technique, check out:

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