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Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 Ways to Make a Healthy Sandwich

1. Lose the Lunch Meat

The first thing you should change to make a healthy sandwich is get rid of the lunch meat. Most lunch meats are full of saturated fat or littered with fillers and preservatives. These meats are processed to the point that almost none of the original food is left and the chemicals in them do nothing for your overall health. Change it up by slicing some hard boiled egg, adding some tuna or even making some salmon salad. Convenience is most often the word of the day when your grabbing lunch, as most of us lead very busy lives, sometimes even working while we eat lunch. Take time to prepare some hard boiled eggs the night before, refrigerate them and throw them into an insulated lunch bag with an ice pack. They'll still be cold by lunch and you'll have a healthy protein source.

2. Spread the Good Stuff

Another way to make a healthy sandwich is play switcharoo with the condiments. Take the tuna or salmon salad to a new level by adding olive oil along with the mayonnaise. This makes the mayo go father and adds some healthy fats as well. Be sure to spruce your salad up with a little chopped onion and a few sprigs of your favorite herbs as well. You can also use canola mayonnaise, made with canola oil instead of soy oil. You find this at bigger grocery stores and health food stores. Try just mixing your salmon with spices, a few chopped herbs and some apple cider vinegar and oil. This gives it a delicious tang and keeps the saturated fat in the mayo jar.

3. Wrap it Up

By far, the most dramatic way to make a healthy sandwich is to change the bread. You find many whole grain choices in the bread department, but try looking in the freezer section. You find lots of great bread made from all sorts of grains, including rice, millet and even sprouted grains. These breads have a weight and texture much different from the yeasty breads you are used to, but give them a good try and you may find you like them better than those white, fluffy and uninteresting breads. Tortillas also come in all sorts of grains as well, and prep is quick and easy. You simply wrap up the contents. You could even try wrapping your sandwich in a few layers of leaf lettuce, cooked cabbage leaves or spinach. This boosts the nutrition
and cuts the carbs.

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